View Full Version : New perspective on chaotic/jumbled dreams

9th April 2009, 12:42 AM
I had what seemed to be a lot of dreams last night and I woke up more tired than when I went to bed. All I can remember from them is that they seemed to be chock full of symbolic information and that I had the distinct impression of having been all the characters at once. No wonder my head felt so heavy and crammed full when I woke up!

Usually when I wake up tired and all I can remember of my dreams is some sort of chaotic blur, I think maybe something must have been wrong with me and that's why I didn't sleep well and my dreams didn't make any sense whatsoever. Now I wonder if it is not 'something wrong' but just means I was in some sort of state of expanded awareness that is not easily translatable to my rational mind. What do you think?

9th April 2009, 12:46 AM
I think that's a pretty likely explanation. I'd imagine that experiencing being a ton of dream characters all at once would be a really difficult thing for the rational mind to translate. Maybe it was some kind of big download, similar to Monroe's ROTEs, that will take your physical brain some time to assimilate and decipher?

9th April 2009, 01:08 AM
Maybe it was some kind of big download, similar to Monroe's ROTEs, that will take your physical brain some time to assimilate and decipher?

That's what someone else suggested and that's what it felt like, although I can't say for sure. I get the impression that it really doesn't matter what I remember of the dreams, the information is there. I do feel poised on the verge of...something, but I don't know what yet. I am just starting a process of what will probably be some pretty radical life changes and things seem to be lining up rather synchronistically so far, but at this point, I have noooo idea where I'm headed. I am pretty scared and having a difficult time relaxing and letting go and having faith and all that stuff. Plus I'm terribly impatient and I hate not knowing what's gonna happen. I wonder too, if this has something to do with my age/generation. You, me and Psychonaut1984 are all about 25 and we seem to be at similar stages of awakening. I never thought much about Indigo children and stuff, but hmm...

9th April 2009, 01:28 AM
Y'know, that's an interesting thought. I haven't really thought much about the Indigo children thing myself, but it could be that there's something to it.

9th April 2009, 05:01 AM
I had the distinct impression of having been all the characters at once[/b].
Wow, cool! How's that for absolute unity? Only instead of being One, you were being EVERYone. :)

Now I wonder if it is not 'something wrong' but just means I was in some sort of state of expanded awareness that is not easily translatable to my rational mind. What do you think?
I think you've got that right.

9th April 2009, 01:52 PM

9th April 2009, 02:06 PM
Yes, Tim, you're probably right. The modern world isn't exactly conducive to cultivating patience, however, and I think my generation has an especially difficult time with waiting patiently or 'just being'. That's my whole motivation for spiritual development, I am tired of chasing my worries around and around.

"It's not a slow dance, this modern romance. It already feels like we've waited too long." --Ben Lee, Into the Dark

Neil Templar
9th April 2009, 02:21 PM
Maybe it was some kind of big download, similar to Monroe's ROTEs, that will take your physical brain some time to assimilate and decipher?

That's what someone else suggested and that's what it felt like, although I can't say for sure. I get the impression that it really doesn't matter what I remember of the dreams, the information is there. I do feel poised on the verge of...something, but I don't know what yet. I am just starting a process of what will probably be some pretty radical life changes and things seem to be lining up rather synchronistically so far, but at this point, I have noooo idea where I'm headed. I am pretty scared and having a difficult time relaxing and letting go and having faith and all that stuff. Plus I'm terribly impatient and I hate not knowing what's gonna happen. I wonder too, if this has something to do with my age/generation. You, me and Psychonaut1984 are all about 25 and we seem to be at similar stages of awakening. I never thought much about Indigo children and stuff, but hmm...

i think you're spot on there.

a while ago i went thru a barrage of those kinds of experience, being every character at once. it's dizzying!! flickering from one perspective to the next, and being each character, reacting to the thing "you" just did as the other character, and so on...
and it was the same for me, more tired the next day, feeling like my mind was constantly processing something not-quire-remembered.

all i can say is, for me, it passed, and what resulted after was a whole bunch of stuff in my waking life fell into place.
there was a period of turmoil, upheaval, but on the other side the sun is shining and life flows like water down a mountainside...

now, i seem to be going thru another period of extreme night-time activity. whole night-long dreams, epic adventures, but now, it feels like i'm processing stuff quicker, cos the next day i'm waking feeling quite fresh. in fact i noticed just the other day, that after two consecutive nights of being fully lucid and actively dreaming all night, i woke on the third day feeling amazing.
my posture when walking is now better, there's a clarity of mind and thought that exceeds what was before.
it might have something to do with my increased focus on meditation lately, whatever the reason, it's all good. :D

9th April 2009, 02:45 PM
yup :roll:

9th April 2009, 06:38 PM
all i can say is, for me, it passed, and what resulted after was a whole bunch of stuff in my waking life fell into place.
there was a period of turmoil, upheaval, but on the other side the sun is shining and life flows like water down a mountainside...

This helps a lot. Thanks!

Neil Templar
9th April 2009, 07:17 PM

11th April 2009, 12:22 AM
Woke up tired again this morning after a lot of dreams. This time the dreams I had were of visiting various members of my family individually. I have been pretty homesick lately.

Neil Templar
19th April 2009, 11:46 AM
hi Violet, i learned something yesterday that might be worth taking a look at, i mentioned it here - viewtopic.php?f=19&t=14613&p=111353#p111353 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=14613&p=111353#p111353)
concerning the many characters at once thing, some answers came my way.. 8)