View Full Version : Lucid Dream, or dreaming about Lucid Dream?

3rd April 2009, 01:06 AM
After getting all mopey and depressed and considering giving up the whole spiritual thing due to lack of time, I decided that I'd just go back to something basic; work on lucid dreaming. I decided this yesterday. And then, this morning I had a dream where I think I went lucid o.o

I was doing something in the dream and suddenly remembered the thing about looking at your hands; so I did. They started looking distorted, and I got excited about knowing it was a dream...then everything kind of started to fizzle and fade, and everything went black. I think I woke up, but I can't really be sure about that. I knew I had lost the dream because I got excited, so I resolved to go back to sleep and try again. I went into the exact same dream as before, and did the exact same thing, except this time after looking at my hands I remained in the dream.

I decided to try something, but I didn't have time to do it; I would say around 10 seconds after becoming "lucid" I woke up again, and this time couldn't get back to sleep.

I think I was at least partially lucid, although definitely not completely. I didn't have as much control over the dream as I had hoped, but I at least became aware that it was a dream. I'm hoping that this is a sign that I'm working on exactly what I need to be at this point, since I got results the FIRST NIGHT. o.o

Now if I can just be not lazy and actually record my dreams right when I wake up...lol

3rd April 2009, 11:43 AM
And don't forget those reality checks.