View Full Version : reluctant "healer"

3rd April 2009, 12:06 AM
hi Robert, I'm from the Philippines, just a regular working guy / computer geek ... recently, I accompanied my wife and her aunt who wanted consult a local healer/tarot reader... when my wife's turn came to draw her first round from the tarot deck, the healer suddenly changed course, and asked me to continue the drawing from the deck, until the session completed... the healer said the reason was that my wife's aura was grey turning black due to a spell cast on my wife's ancestors. I was shocked when I was asked to do a sort of scanning on a complete stranger, another patient. After a while, I sensed warmth on different areas of the patient, and relayed this to the healer. There was also some tingling on my right toe. The healer said I was picking up negative energy from the patient. To cut the story short, my wife and I were identified as potential healers. We were told we had to find our own path, to find out which method will best work for us, whether through crystals, or through pieces of wood, etc. I admitted that I had some sort of desire to become a healer, because I wanted to help cure or alleviate my wife's diabetes. The healer said I won't be able to heal my wife, but I will be able to help others. It seemed like a door was opened for me.... but I am a little reluctant because I never regarded myself as psychic or even sensitive... I've read your articles on the new energy ways, but have been marginally successful in some of the exercises.... Your comments and insights will be most valuable to me. Many thanks.

Robert Bruce
8th March 2010, 05:07 AM

Diabetes can be healed.

See http://www.treeoflife.nu/reversing-diab ... -diabetes/ (http://www.treeoflife.nu/reversing-diabetes/21-day-reversing-diabetes/)

I did this, and was off my meds in 2 days. This was 2 years ago, and my blood sugar is still normal.

Gabriel's book is all you need for this.

As for the rest, the best place to start as a healer is on yourself and in your home.

Heal your wife and your self and then give healing to anyone else that comes to you for help.
