View Full Version : Personal Experience and the Mind Split effect

31st March 2009, 09:25 PM
1. You seem to advocate personal experience, even to the point of manually reincarnating so that you can do multiple lifetimes. But what if someone achieves greater realization without as much time in the physical dimension?

2. If everyone is actually One Being (God, Source) with massive mind-splits, and everyone's data is processed into a central database ever so often with the Akashic Wind phenomenon, could not one tap into the central database directly without doing multiple lifetimes? Theoretically if you do this, wouldn't you experience EVERY lifetime? Seems to be a better way of going about it?

Robert Bruce
8th March 2010, 04:15 AM

This is called major realization or enlightenment.

Few achieve this.

One life or many, it makes no difference. This is not a race..

your own higher self holds all knowlege, and this is inside of you. So going within would be the most direct route to realization
