View Full Version : Strange, Overwhelming Symbolism -Copy

28th March 2009, 01:15 AM
Copied from the 'Ask Robert' Forum as it asked for opinions:
I would be eternally grateful for any and all opinions regarding the following. I have a recently-developed theory, but will not bias you with it. Robert, I am still an initiate to your work but I have a great deal of respect for what you do; I have never understood how secular science can repeatedly condemn any idea not immediately adjacent to our current understanding while paradoxically allowing leeway to do things like pushing heroine as a cough suppressant in mail-order catalogs at the turn of the 20th century.

Preface: A dream from ~2 years ago (before I was into metaphysics), in which I was a toy metallic airplane (one of the least strange aspects) has stuck with me due to the out-of-the-ordinary nature and the OOBE vibration that kicked in when I 'died'. I am starting to see the symbolism of the dream piece together in my life, and would appreciate any interpretations thereof. I have never purposefully astrally projected, but I have done it (or lucid dreamed) accidentally a few times before this dream, and have been filled with irrational terror every time (making it short-lived).

Context: While I don't exactly remember the time I had this dream, it was before I was put on legal probation. A ~freshman in college, I took life pretty easy and was uninitiated to any of these ideas although I knew a little about astral projection and attributed the vibration to something along those lines. Now, ~2 years later, I am no longer on probation; I work 20-30hrs/wk as a project manager at a software development company while going to school full time (quite stressful).

I am a toy metallic airplane (like the ones from WW2) in a log cabin.
The walls between the rooms are ~10ft thick.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
At the top-center of each wall, ~2ft from the top, is a ~1x1ft square tunnel to the next room.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
I don't think there was anything strange about the room furnishings.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
Everything is hazy and kind of 'blue' looking.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
The tunnels in each wall formed a 'race track' circuit.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
I was in a race against other toy metallic airplanes.

In one room was this demon.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
It has slough-mottled, slick, tight, grey/putrid scab-yellow colored skin.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
Roughly the size of a human, it had a round, bulbous body and ~1.5 inch-thick, long, spindly arms and legs.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
It had the head of a triceratops (without the horns, and the plate was a bit more vertical) and a sneer on its face.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
It was somehow standing on top of a rocking chair in the corner of the room (but not having trouble balancing)[/*:m:1djwhnza]
It was the only non-plane entity I saw.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
I had the innate understanding that this demon was my 'coach' for this race I was in.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
It had a rod (wand?) in its left hand that it was gesticulating with in a 'suprring on' kind of motion.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
I had the understanding that it was intentionally spurring me to go faster, beyond my ability, in an effort to get me to break.

So, I break down during the race and skid to a stop in the middle of one of the tunnels between the rooms.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
The other planes continue to fly over me, and I soon get this premonition of their malice against me.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
The planes begin to dip slightly as they pass over me, each one progressively lower.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
Finally, one dips low enough to hit me on the ground; however, predicting this, I somehow 'jump' vertically to avoid it (no physical mechanism, I just moved up and down)[/*:m:1djwhnza]
In this way I avoid a couple more attempts to hit me before another plane collides with me just as I hit the floor of the tunnel again...

As soon as the plane hits my metallic body, my awareness stays fixed while my body goes clamoring off, out of the tunnel. [/*:m:1djwhnza]
When this happens, the 'full body intense vibration' I have come to associate with lucid dreaming/astral projecting kicks in.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
I had the instinctual knowledge that I was now dead, and was filled with absolute terror.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
One all-consuming thought was now stuck in my mind: "I have to get out of here!" combined with the terror feeling I have felt every time I have 'astrally projected'

Disembodied, I fly out of the tunnel into one of the rooms.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
On the opposite wall, I see a window; outside, nothing but black void.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
I somehow know that I must escape through this window.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
I swoop down into the room, angling up towards the window to go through it.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
Right before I get to the window, I am suddenly and unexpectedly halted (no inertia, felt like I was 'seized')[/*:m:1djwhnza]
"Oh Crap" was my only thought as I slowly began being pulled down towards the floor.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
I had this understanding that I was going to be pulled beneath the floor, and that wherever I was going was a place I really, REALLY did not want to go.[/*:m:1djwhnza]
Right before being pulled through the floor, I woke up.[/*:m:1djwhnza]