View Full Version : Classroom

27th March 2009, 01:28 AM
Another dream to share……

What I remember begins with me sitting in an empty classroom staring at a very large blackboard that takes up the entire wall at the front of the room. I’m sitting in one of those classroom chairs like they had in grade school trying to make sense of the symbols on the board. It then occurs to me that there is something odd about my vision at this point. The right side of my peripheral vision looks normal but everything is cloudy and faded off to the left. I remember thinking to myself, “what’s over there and why can’t I see it?” A thought immediately comes over me to “just concentrate on the board.” So I focus my attention once again on the blackboard. I start feeling dizzy all of the sudden and it feels like the desk is spinning on one leg. It startles me so I stand up and look at the chair, everything looks normal. Satisfied for some reason that all is well I turn to look at the board again and the dizziness returns, this time it takes affect a little slower. I feel like I’m falling over backwards very slowly, I begin to spin again and woooossshhh, I fly right through the ceiling up into the sky. I have flown many times in my dreams but never like this so high to begin with and so fast. I find myself out in the country side now, no buildings are visible, just countryside and a small two lane road. My speed has decreased to a Sunday drive now and I’m scanning the horizon looking for something. It seems to be the middle of summer because the leaves on the trees are still green but the grasses are mostly brown from heat. I had the impression for some reason that I am out west. My eyes follow the road below me and I see a single car up ahead. I turn up the speed a bit and I’m now right over the roof of the car. I slowly pass through the roof of the car and I’m floating right behind a woman watching her drive. She is blonde headed and of an average build. I move closer to her and seem to be inside her head looking at the road in front of me when she starts screaming, “who are you and what do you want?” It startled the hell out of me and I awoke from my dream.

28th March 2009, 04:17 AM
This is interesting. I immediately thought the empty classroom and the disorientation were good indicators of transition to a new plane, indicative of development. It seems your dream may be corresponding in many respects to something happening "elsewhere" in your consciousness range. If you read much astral projection literature , you will find accounts of projectors finding themselves inside other beings and those beings being aware of their presence. It happened to Robert Monroe and Hank Wesselman.

28th March 2009, 04:17 PM
It happens to me now and then, and it's not very pleasant. I usually realize what's going on and try to 'go with the flow' until I get out again. It always feels like it's prearranged- one time the person was in the hospital having been sedated (making her open), another time the host wasn't aware that I could tell, and the other time she was an actress in the middle of a production, which was very disorienting. That time she felt 'open'.
Makes me wonder if 'method' acting is a form of temporary possession.
Each time I awoke in them, only one knew it (and welcomed it, she must have been hating her life at the time or needed help coping with something), the rest were very unpleasant and confusing. I have to say I didn't do it on purpose, that I know.