View Full Version : Dream Conveyances

23rd March 2009, 05:40 AM
Does anyone else have daft dream/astral "conveyances" like I do? I recently travelled at some speed in "The Cauldron to Haloi", & have sped along roadways on items like a shoe, a plectrum, a contact lense(!)an odd truck that drives along but can also fly, an impossible bicycle, a bubble. . . . you name it, I've been in/on it!! Also a "trip wire" that attaches to my collar at the back & whizzes me along. . . .

23rd March 2009, 06:55 AM
For me it's mostly roller coasters, but they can be taller than the tree-tops or under the ocen.

23rd March 2009, 12:31 PM
Well let's see- a 'hoverboard', a bubble, a boat, a plane (many different kinds of planes), but mostly I fly.

Neil Templar
23rd March 2009, 01:34 PM
rollercoasters alot, over and underground, and lately an invisible "zip-line" that i hold onto. just above my head, lift my feet up and off i whizz.. 8) hovering 3 ft off the ground, it's like back to the future, michael j fox on the hoverboard, i have to lift my feet to avoid cars etc.. fun!
sometimes i drive very fast sportscars, ferrari's and the like. this is always real fun, especially as i can't drive yet!