View Full Version : recurring Dream of precognition..

Neil Templar
21st March 2009, 01:51 PM
i hope i explain this properly.
i have literally just woken from this experience.

this dream i have had at least 4 times in the past month or so, maybe more..
each time i have it, everything happens exactly the same, until the final moment, when something different happens, depending on my decisions..

it begins with me finding some substance, an essence, which can be ingested, eaten, to provide psychic abilities.
i make some chocolate with this stuff in it, and share it with this guy. (nobody from my life)
we eat equal sized bits of the chocolate, then, 2 computers appear in front of us.
on the screen are images that are like a constantly updated and animated virtual reality program, i see buildings, locations, landscapes, all changing with my thoughts.

onscreen, the view is from the top of a grassy cliff, overlooking a beautiful mediterranean looking sea. the sun is shining, the sky is clear, not a cloud.
in front of me materializes a transparent sphere. i put my awareness into it.
as i glance across to the other guy's screen, his is the same as mine, but a few seconds behind.
in this sphere, i hear a voice telling me of the timeline.
in my vision i see a linear timeline, which i can move along and view whatever time i can imagine.
with a thought i move along it, forward, to some distant future date.
the images on screen become a vision of giant technological structures. very futuristic, and i realize it's the same "future technologies" i dreamed of being shown months ago, there's a thread about it here on AD.

at this point i become more lucid, realizing i've had this experience before.
i remember exactly how it played out, and that each time it ended with one of the characters dying, so i'd better do things differently (again) this time.
i eat more of the chocolate with the psychic essence in it, hoping this will give me some advantage. :wink:

i go back to the timeline, and think about what i want to see.
then i'm thinking that this is like having access to the Akashic Records. all of time is available to view, i just have to know what i want to look at.
then i wonder, if i can look back to the beginning...
i start moving rapidly backwards, occasionally opening up the images to see what time i'm passing by, as it's all a blur..
each time i open up a different time, and the screen fills with images of that time, i check to see what the other guy is looking at, and it's always the same as me, but a little behind. :?

eventually i get to the beginning of the timeline, expecting something like the star tof the Universe or something, but all it says is Rome.
i see a sea, and an Island with a fortified city built on it. the sea is calm, the sun is beating down.

not happy with this i leave the computer and go out of the room, into what appears to be a hotel corridor/lobby, something like that.
i walk around the corner and find myself at a reception area.
on a board to my side, i see a picture of myself, with a woman.
something about this picture tells me that i'm a mafia boss's son. :? i'm confused by this, even tho i remember this part from experiencing it before. :roll:
in front of me there is a queue of people waiting at the "reception"
3 large men are directly in front.
they turn and look at me, and then the picture.
then they start saying stuff like "Daddy isn't here, and we don't take orders from you"
i leave the area.

around a corner i see an elevator door. i'm about to push the button to summon it, when i remember, those guys have killed me her before, throwing me down the elevator shaft.
i turn around and go a different way. :wink:

then i bump into a girl i know from work. we walk thru the corridor together, and go to her room.
it's like a constant feeling of deja-vu.
she says she has to go to the toilet, but i don't let her.
i explain that it's all happened before, and we have to do things different.
she picks up a photograph, but before she can look at it and show it to me, i grab it and keeping it face-down i put it back on the table.
something about whatever we were about to see in the photo would lead us to another death.
she wants to grab her coat as i lead her out the room, again i don't let her.
we leave that room and go to another, where we meet the guy i was with in the beginning.

i'm not sure where he's been until now, possible following along the whole time? :?
then we're met by another female, who is apparently a friend.
i tell them what's going on, and it seems they all have memories of these things having happened before..

we're all in a room, lying around the floor.
there's a bit of boy-girl sexy action, hehe, but i'll spare the details of that. :oops: :wink:

then the other guy is trying to pull a stick-like object apart.
i'm not quite sure what it is, but he seems to want to pull it apart, and is straining quite heavily.
then i see that the way he's pulling, if it comes apart suddenly, he's gonna stab himself in the belly with it, so i jump up and stop him.
then i wake up, but as i'm waking, a voice in my mind says 14 06.

i think to myself, what's 14 06 mean?
is that a time? 14.06?

i jump out of bed, and switch on the computer to see what time it is... 14.06!!!!!! :shock:

also, now, it's 14.52, i still feel unusual.
in a different state, with the same kinda odd deja-vu feeling in my awareness. almost lightheaded, it's nice... i might go lie down for a bit more... see what happens...

oh, one other thing, might not be relevant but i'll mention it, earlier when i woke, i decided to listen to another of those Monroe Institute Explorer sessions.
as i drifted of i was listening to No. 7.Awareness of True Reality

21st March 2009, 03:14 PM
Without trying to influence what you make of your dreams/projections, I'll see if I can link you to some of the dreams I've had that are similar in flavor or content.
This may be part of an 'ascension experience' Aunt Clair talks about, or we're part of some oversoul.
Thing is, I have an idea about it but it sounds too crazy to say 'aloud'.

Neil Templar
21st March 2009, 03:40 PM
thanks! :D

PM me if you like, i'd love to hear the crazy theory! :wink: :P

21st March 2009, 04:30 PM
Here's some of the links. There's one more, although I'm not finding it. I may have to look in other forums.

viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1609&p=102910&hilit=control+hospital#p102910 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1609&p=102910&hilit=control+hospital#p102910)

There's more to this one. I knew I was one of the ones in charge, but I didn't remember what we were supposed to be doing.

viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1609&p=85017&hilit=orb#p85017 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1609&p=85017&hilit=orb#p85017)

In this one while in the orb I knew these people, I was 'one of them'. Like I was part of an experiment.

There's a third one, a dream, but I can't find it in the dreaming forum, so I'm going to look elsewhere.

Neil Templar
21st March 2009, 09:01 PM
interesting, cheers.

you know the more i process this experience, the more i think that i haven't had it 4 times this month, but it just seemed like that as i realized i was doing things for the 3rd or 4th time. i reckon i actually went thru them all today, and the memory of them all is layered in the final experience...

21st March 2009, 10:26 PM
That would sound more like a simulation, Monroe-style to the hilt.

Remember how he describes his? Scenes repeated over and over until you get it. Until you find the right course of action. You alternating your responses to the situation might indicate that. As far as I can see Monroe was somewhat aware of what he did in earlier runs of the simulation and changed his behaviour accordingly.

Somebody recently told me that simulations for him end in computer screens or announcements.


22nd March 2009, 07:59 AM
Here’s one that seems to have something in common with your dream. Just posted it.

viewtopic.php?f=19&t=14439 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=14439)

And psychic chocolate.

viewtopic.php?f=19&t=14054&p=106913&hilit=psychic+chocolate#p106913 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=14054&p=106913&hilit=psychic+chocolate#p106913)