View Full Version : The Chest

21st March 2009, 03:02 AM
IT begins and I’m standing in front of a large wooden chest, it appears to be constructed of Mahogany and is approximately 8 feet long, 2 feet deep and 2 feet wide. The top is propped open and there is some sort of grain or material filled to just below the top, it looks like navy beans or elbow macaroni.

My attention has been focused on the chest to this point and now I notice that I’m standing next to another person, It’s myself, there are two of me. It seems I’m trying to teach myself something, what I don’t know. We are both staring at the material in the chest. It gets strange because as I communicate with myself, I bounce back and forth between bodies. To make this simple to follow I will refer to one as my higher self since he appears to be doing the teaching.

My higher self is trying to teach me to move/manipulate the material in the chest with my mind. As my higher self I say “like this watch.” I think and the material moves, like something is burrowing underneath the surface. So as my lower self, I look at the material and think hard on moving something and can’t. My higher self says “it’s because you are focusing on the act and not the result, visualize how you want it to be and it will be, do you understand?” I nod my head and turn to concentrate once again like he told me too, nothing happens.

Now as my higher self I say “something is wrong, must be something hidden beneath” I step up to the chest and bury my hand deep into the material and pull it up slightly exposing a layer of red sandy material. I step back and say “it’s there but hidden.” I step forward again at touch my hand to the material in the chest and suddenly everything is packaged in a bunch of neat little bundles of varying sizes, all square in shape, each with a different material in each bag. I touch my hand to the packages and all but a few levitate out of the chest leaving just a few exposed at the bottom. I say “see there it is, hidden in the wrong place as I suspected, now you must pack everything back in the correct manner.”

As my lower self now I climb into the chest and start placing everything back in one at a time, when I’m finished I wake up.

21st March 2009, 09:15 AM

21st March 2009, 03:18 PM
Can we say "Dreamstate Lesson"? :D

I'm starting to believe we are starting to accelerate in 'spiritual evolution' (for lack of a better term, maybe 'unveiling' sounds too simple.)
Deep breaths.

22nd March 2009, 08:21 AM
My higher self is trying to teach me to move/manipulate the material in the chest with my mind. As my higher self I say “like this watch.” I think and the material moves, like something is burrowing underneath the surface. So as my lower self, I look at the material and think hard on moving something and can’t. My higher self says “it’s because you are focusing on the act and not the result, visualize how you want it to be and it will be, do you understand?” I nod my head and turn to concentrate once again like he told me too, nothing happens.

Now as my higher self I say “something is wrong, must be something hidden beneath” I step up to the chest and bury my hand deep into the material and pull it up slightly exposing a layer of red sandy material. I step back and say “it’s there but hidden.” I step forward again at touch my hand to the material in the chest and suddenly everything is packaged in a bunch of neat little bundles of varying sizes, all square in shape, each with a different material in each bag. I touch my hand to the packages and all but a few levitate out of the chest leaving just a few exposed at the bottom. I say “see there it is, hidden in the wrong place as I suspected, now you must pack everything back in the correct manner.”

As my lower self now I climb into the chest and start placing everything back in one at a time, when I’m finished I wake up.

So, you are dealing with "material (things)" here. At first everything seems unordered, chaotic, but suddenly an order is established. After the order is established it is possible to look what lies behind the "outer" material things to underlying causes (deeper layers of material) and you find hidden material.

The material is even red - that's a color of the base chakra, underlining again something physical/material-world related. Maybe you're learning a healing process here, delving into the underlying causes of what's going on with your body. At first you just see the surface, and what moves beneath it is a mystery to you. Then you start to see what's what (compartmentalising things) and then you can get at the root causes of things. Then you can establish a better order ("get things in order").

Physical problems can often be traced back to underlying, deeper issues and causes, for example in the emotional and mental area. Problems can be fixed more efficiently at the root or the underlying issue.

Just speculation there, of course. Very interesting symbolism, and it is definitely more than a dream. I think you're spot on with you "Higher Self" interpretation. You definitely met up with a more knowledgeable "you" there. This is a "you" from a higher level of vibration, a you you might be about to become. Robert Monroe for example learned after years/decades that his super-wise teacher was himself from the future. So I think you're on the right track.


24th March 2009, 12:01 AM

Thanks for your comments, a new perspective is always refreshing.
