View Full Version : Here is the materialization exercise esdras rassit

19th March 2009, 02:52 AM
Hi Rober

Sorry I couldn't post to the previos post, so I did a new one.
I found it and translated it to english :D

I received this book more than ten years ago, and always was curious if this exercise was possible, what do you think.
Something I found very useful in my life came too from this because it is to santify the verb ( the energy of life) It really helped a lot, this is to santify the energy. And the understading of this other phrase
"The body, the mind in the man is a universe inside another, in the man there is no an empty space, it is completely fill of atoms, every atom has a nucleus, a minuscule mind that order and has the will to express itself in rigid parameter, Tod know it and think is enough to recover the lost Eden."

 Levitation
When our evolution carry us to the understanding and verification the cosmic energy of life come from our mind transformed in something different, in the shape as in their faculties, from the energy we received through the heard and other organ receptors –this latter not found in our physical part else in our etheric part- we gave to the task of watch and investigate the properties of this last product and the process which created it.
We reach to the conclusion our mind was a kind of receptacle extremely sensitive to adopt a determined shape and second by second take configurations different depending the think and the following emotion or feeling freed by this, and when the Energy of Life was precipitated in his interior, instantaneity forged and reproduced exactly the shape the receptacle presented in that moment, and then, in the continuation of its becoming, come out again and follow his displacement, transformed and converted in “something” defined, which, as a consequence of his new shape – the particular way of behave and the specific configuration taken- it seems more appropriated to identify it denominating “Siquic Energy”.
This energy so qualified for our mind, has, several properties, one of them, the property of behave like a motor cause in any more dense body, this means having lower vibratory frequency, and get under his influence, that body displace in the space. Always is in this way, if the indispensable requisite is fulfill, this is the energy dominate over the object to displace.
… The important was something acting like a body, suitable to receive and allow circulate, without interferences of any kind, the electric impulses of our brain and go like an additional part of us. And we got…
The physical body is the most perfect vehicle ever created, and can be used to walk when feed using low vibration energy, and to fly when using high frequency vibrations.
All the thinks and feelings, good or evil, beautiful or ugly, has his own rhythm, his vibration and go to the exterior with a specific shape.

- - Materialization
In the frown a granule extremely bright was forming like a whirlpool. Rotating at a great speed and moving away from this frown. When it place to two centimeters, transformed in a sphere of five centimeter of diameter, the ether started to vibrate with sweet notes. Then, farther and having less speed of rotation, emitted a very pure white color; in this way, when the frequency was reduced, that white color was creating other six colors in the scale. And when it was six centimeters from the frown, a butterfly emerged just in the center. That image precipitated in a second image less brilliant, then another, until at the end, the butterfly was materialized with all his details, exactly the same as the real. In total was nine different phases, like if this would be nine receptacles, each filling of the surplus light from the previous receptacle.

Robert Bruce
8th March 2010, 03:58 AM
Thanks, very interesting.
