View Full Version : Creature

18th March 2009, 01:00 AM
It starts out with me running, very fast and I realize I’m very low to the ground. I look up and the trees look huge, that’s when it hits me that the trees are not what are out of proportion, it’s me! I’m very small and I feel as light as a feather. I look around and see that I’m running across some gravel near the shoreline of a large lake. I’m running and thinking to myself “why doesn’t this hurt my feet?” I look up and there is a large rock out in front of me. I sense that we are getting ready to leap and I’m thinking that it is way to far away still, we can’t make it and “WOW” I leap into the air effortlessly, it feels like I just jumped 50 feet in the air and half a block down the street! I land on the rock on all fours and my head is darting around from side to side, seems we are looking for something but nothing catches my attention. Here we go again, down off the rock, running, head darting side to side, another rock but bigger, we are going jump again, this is amazing! This time however I don’t come back down. I’m just floating there at the peak of the jump feeling a little dizzy. I start drifting out over the lake and I can see lily pads and a dead tree sticking out of the water. I start to sink towards the water and I think to myself “better pick up the pace and get moving are you will drown.” It’s hard at first, feels like I’m stuck in mud but I will myself to go faster. I’m zipping along the top of the water now moving faster and faster. I see a group of trees and some brush up ahead near the shore and something is moving, hiding in the brush. I swoop up and I’m hovering over the top of it. A furry creature, looks like a cross between a bobcat and a small bear. Its body is stocky like a bear but its face is feline. The fur is a dirty gold color with slightly darker stripes on its sides. It’s hiding there calling out to something, making strange sounds, a high pitched chirping. I swoop down to get a closer look at it and I’m right over the top of it. It looks right at me, senses me somehow and pulls back seemingly afraid of me. This shocks me so I float up higher to give it some space. It starts calling out again all the while looking back and forth between me and the direction of its call. I hear an answer off in the distance and turn to see another creature just like it but slightly larger running our way. It sees it too and runs from the brush to meet it. They run circles around each other seemingly happy to be together and run off into the distance. I’m feeling dizzy again and moving towards the lake, no longer in control, feel like a passenger on a plane. I’m getting higher and moving really fast out over the lake. I reach the opposite shore in no time, could not even see it before. There are huge cliffs split down the middle by a chasm. A river is flowing into the lake and the water a beautiful turquoise color. I’m moving very fast now, my vision is beginning to blur and I can’t focus on anything. It’s like I’m looking through a kaleidoscope and suddenly the colors are gone. I’m in a black void moving incredibly fast, a sudden stop and I open my eyes to se the ceiling above my bed.

Neil Templar
19th March 2009, 07:01 PM

22nd March 2009, 08:30 AM
That's the second dream of yours I read where you are running practically all the time, and picking up speed. Like when you escaped the magician and the warrior.

How did you hover, did you have wings? Sorry for asking, but this all just sounds like a pixie to me.


23rd March 2009, 11:56 PM

I've never looked at myself during the dream so I couldn't say. What I can say is that when I fly/hover in a dream I sense no movement from my body that would suggest wings. It is very fluid motion, effortless.