View Full Version : Space Chickens

17th March 2009, 01:28 AM
It begins with me standing in front of two entities. They were an odd looking bunch that is for sure. They were about 3 to 4 feet tall, their skin was loose and a yellowish/tan color. Their eyes were dark with no visible pupils, large and bulbous with eyelids. They were wearing some type of clothing but I can’t recall the details at this time. The funny thing is the reminded me of chickens.

They are facing each other and looking at me. The one to my right is holding a weapon of some sort that resembles a shotgun. The one to my left is surrounded by a translucent, shimmering orb. Within the structure of the orb I see colors of predominantly magenta with a small hint of lavender. The entity within the orb turns to the other and nods his head. His partner then raises the weapon and fires at point blank range. I’m stunned by the action and reach out and grab the weapon from him. I turn to look at his friend in the orb who is just staring at me. I see he is just fine and can see multiple impact points of the shot. Everywhere a projectile hit the orb it is glowing gold. I walk up to the orb and can see the projectiles stuck in the orb. They are crystalline looking spheres, a dozen or so. The entity that had fired the shot communicates to me that the spheres weaken the field enough for you to pass through it. I step forward through the field and as I do my vision blurs. I stand inside the orb for a moment and then step back out. Something happens and the orb dissolves into a lump at the entity’s feet. He reaches down and grabs a piece of the material. He tells me this is the state it takes on when the material looses a large portion of its energy. It looks like silly putty and the colors I saw earlier are very bright now. I also see a small hint of light blue along with the magenta and lavender. One of them tells me it can be used as a weapon in this state. That it magnifies the kinetic energy upon impact in an order of magnitude. He hands me a golf ball sized piece and instructs me to throw it at a structure we are now in front of. The wall of the structure looks to be made of metal. I reach back and through it with everything I have. It hits the wall and seems to liquefy the metal for an instant. I can see ripples in the metal radiating out from the point of impact. I suddenly find myself inside the structure, watching from the inside as the impact happens. I see the same rings and the metal is stretched about four feet and then solidifies again. I’m back outside now and the entities are standing together staring at me. They communicate to me again………”do you understand now?” I nod my head and wake up.

17th March 2009, 12:40 PM
If the dreams you are having didn't have so much violence and warlike content, I'd swear you are undergoing a dreamstate initiation. If you have a similar dream, and can, I suggest asking your dream characters what this dream is supposed to mean (if you are lucid, or if you can get lucid, I'd suggest you look into methods to induce lucidity) and then 'stay tuned', so to speak.

18th March 2009, 01:16 AM
CFTraveler thanks for your comments.

Interesting, I have never really thought of asking questions during a dream. I know I am lucid because I know I'm dreaming, but I usually tend to just go with the flow and see where it takes me. I concentrate on the detials so I can put it into words when I awake.