View Full Version : Is it OK to move your eyes while doing energy work?

16th March 2009, 05:13 AM
Hello everyone,

I just started back doing energy work (eyes closed). I move my eyes up, down, back and forth, etc... as if I am actually seeing what I am doing.

I need to know if I started a bad habit that is going to affect things negatively later on. Or, does it not matter?

I haven't read anything about this in the books yet.

Thank you

16th March 2009, 05:55 AM
Probably not a problem. If you are concerned, do things in a slightly different order each time to avoid getting set in a pattern. If you are already caught in a pattern, just do it with your eyes open a couple of times.

[edit spelling error]

16th March 2009, 06:03 AM
Thanks. Another question. Once I get to the point of doing the rope technique, is it ok to move my eyes? I am afraid that is what I will do. It was my understanding that I should not move a muscle. Am I wrong here?

16th March 2009, 06:48 AM
Don't worry. Worry is much more of a problem than any involuntary movement. Try to get rid of the "Am I doing this wrong?" attitude. Just observe your sensations throughout the whole process - how does it feel? Explore that. Enjoy that. Learn from it.

Take care,

16th March 2009, 01:45 PM
Hello everyone,

I just started back doing energy work (eyes closed). I move my eyes up, down, back and forth, etc... as if I am actually seeing what I am doing.

I need to know if I started a bad habit that is going to affect things negatively later on. Or, does it not matter?

I haven't read anything about this in the books yet.

Thank you

Hi HH. Long time no read. :D
I used to have that problem to the point that it drove me batty. Brian Mercer told me that if it bothered me so much, to do the work in the dark with my eyes open. That way I'd be able to control my eyeballs as I moved the energy. After a few times clumsily doing this I finally broke the habit. Now it either doesn't happen or it doesn't bother me. Either way it's not a problem any more.

Regards, CF.

17th March 2009, 02:45 PM
Thank you for all the replys. I feel better about it now knowing that it doesn't matter either way.

CFTraveler... Yes, I have been gone awhile, but I am always thinking about doing this. I just need to make it a priority. I will try your tips to see if it helps. It doesn't bother me too much, but I would like to be able to do it without moving my eyes.

As a side note, I bought the cd companion, and have had a couple 15 minutes sessions doing energy work and I felt "cobwebs" on my forehead and then got a little bit of a headache immediately in my forehead. The next day, which was yesterday, I woke up with a sensitive/nervy eye pain (still have it). I have been having little headaches right above my eye (I am not prone to headaches). This may be unrelated, but I thought I would throw it out there.

17th March 2009, 04:12 PM
I used to get headaches when I did energy work on my brow chakra, or did the 'looking at your 'upside' of the eyes to cause a brow center strobe'. If you're doing any of these don't, wait before you do any energy work on your highest chakras, and when you do be very gentle, and possibly use water energy when you do.
It doesn't happen any more, but I definitely don't do the 'eyes up' thing. I don't see the point.

BTW, I just saw the ROPE question you originally asked-
I feel that if you move your eyes when doing it, it must mean you're not relaxed enough to try to exit- I'd go back, work on your trance a little more and do more energy body loosening and then settle into passive observation for a while before trying it again. Make sure you're 'primed' enough for an exit technique.

17th March 2009, 06:14 PM
I am not familiar with what you mean by 'looking at your 'upside' and water energy. I haven't read his books through yet.

When it happened, I was doing the energy hug circuit and then I started to feel the cobweb on my forehead.

I am not ready to try the rope technique yet, I feel I need to do other things to prepare first. I was just wondering if I was starting a bad habit that would make it harder for me down the road when that time comes.

28th June 2009, 01:15 PM
I'm delighted to see someone posted this question as I have move my eyes too, in order to do the bouncing. I find it just doesn't happen unless I'm following a visualisation inside my head and my eyes move automatically up and down. I've wondered whether or not I'm doing wrong by doing this too and will definitely try it with eyes open and see if that helps. I just find that the bouncing movement doesn't happen on it's own - weird!

28th June 2009, 05:05 PM
Some people are better at the 'bouncy' thing than others - I find that Robert is way better at it than most people I know. So I'd say your experience is more the rule than the exception.
I've been doing this for about 6 years and still have trouble with awareness splitting and stuff like that. But since the bounce is so important for energy body loosening, keep at it, whether you think you're doing it right or not.

Kevin Bridges
29th January 2010, 12:52 AM
It's fine. Energy work is fairly informal. I do it while I'm walking to the store, or whatever. I've been bouncing energy in my legs as I type this. Don't worry about it being a bad habit, because, when you get good enough at it, it will take hardly any effort at all.