View Full Version : AD- Higher Astral Beings- Curse removal?

15th March 2009, 04:00 AM
Hello Robert,

In Chapter 33 (p485-488) of Astral Dynamics you shared an amazing personal account of an astral trip of yours to a higher state in the Astral Planes to meet with a powerful grand-fatherly priest character in a stone room.During a time in your life while experiencing a long bout of psychic assaults. He had provided deep and powerful assistance in locating and binding some sort of curse or energy blockage (in your hip region) which the story suggests was ancient in nature or in place for a long term. (Many lifetimes..?) I have two questions:

1- Is there yet an ending or update to your story? Were you able to find resolution to that curse item that was bound? If so, what might have that solution entailed in the physical and spiritual realms?

2- I ask, not intrude on your personal life, but to gain some insight as to energy related 'curses' as you described. One of my apprehensions as a novice projector (unsuccessful to date) is falling victim to such things. I wish to learn to one day, use the OBE and higher energy states for self healing (if applicable) and restoration/evolution of my energy systems etc. Is there a way that we can identify and correct such 'curses' or catastrophic energetic maladies without the aid of vastly higher beings? In AD you had described higher beings as being quite rare and relatively inaccessible for the most part, which leads me to wonder what my limitations would end up being in regards to self healing/evolution. Thank you.

Robert Bruce
8th March 2010, 03:47 AM

I give an update to 'the priest and the curse' in the 2nd edition of Astral Dynamics...released late 2009. This is a whole new book, apart from a few of the experiences, like this one.

OBE in itself will not cause or attract negative entity problems or possession.

The most accessible higher being to you is your higher self, which is inside of you.

So the journey to find what you seek is within.


http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/teac ... ncept.html (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/teachingsrealizations/179-catch-basket-concept.html)
