View Full Version : 3 questions regarding EFT

15th March 2009, 12:32 AM
Hi Mr Bruce,

I have 3 questions that I have not found in any of your work. They have to do with EFT.

1. Do you believe in EFT? Does it work? Would you recommend it?

2. What are meridians? Is it related to what you teach about energy?

3. can I use tactile imaging to have the same EFT effect, in other words, can I do it without the tapping?

i know this is not your exact specialty so I appreciate in advance your thoughts.


Robert Bruce
8th March 2010, 03:41 AM

1. Yes, this does appear to work.

2. Meridians are currents of energy within and on the energy body. Yes, these are universal to energy work, acupuncture, etc.

3. Yes, you should be able to do this. But little work has been done on this. There is much room for experimentation here.
