View Full Version : Centaur

13th March 2009, 11:21 PM
I’m standing on a beach near a very large body of water, the sun is shinning and there are no clouds in the sky. The sand is light brown in color and there are very large boulders surrounded by smaller rocks of various sizes. They are about twenty to thirty feet from the shoreline and I can’t see anything past them. Small grassy plants protrude from the crevices near the ground that are greenish/gray in color. I turn and look down the shoreline, the water is fairly calm, too calm to be an ocean.

In the distance I see a pair of figures coming towards me, they are very large and moving with great speed. As they get close to me I see creatures that resemble a centaur, their faces more equine than human, one winged and one not. They are very big, fifteen to twenty feet at the shoulder. They stop and are just staring at me, I become wary of their intentions and start to float out over the water. That’s when I realize they weren’t looking at me, but through me. I hear shouting from behind me and turn to see a very large group of men running down the beach. I turn my attention back to the creatures and they are very agitated, thrashing at the ground. Suddenly the winged one takes flight out across the water towards an island far off in the distance. I turn back to the wingless one, she seems confused by her partner’s sudden departure. The men have become silent behind me, as I turn, I see a hundred spears flying through the air towards the creature. She sees them to late and is impaled by most of them, slowly she sinks into the water. I am saddened by these actions and wonder what they did to deserve such treatment.

I look around and the sun is starting to set out over the body of water. The men are all gathering on the shore near me, looking out across the water towards the island. I hear a humming and see small electric blue orbs forming in front of each one. I float in closer for a better look and can now see that the orbs are at the center of a winged, translucent, moth like creature. The men climb onto their backs, one by one they rise and shoot out over the water. As I stand and stare I’m reminded of roman candles except they are silent as they track out across the water. The last one goes by and as I’m watching I can still hear a humming behind me.

I turn to see one last creature on the shore, is it waiting for me? A voice says “yes, it wants to show you something.” I float in and grab the creature at the base of the wings. I feel a tingle and we rise up in the air about ten feet. We start moving down the beach towards where I saw the centaurs come from. We are moving very fast, just above the top of the water when suddenly it swoops inland and up higher. The creature disappears and I’m floating high in the air, the sun is shinning brightly again and below me I see a field of color. I float down to get a better look and as I draw near I realize I’m in a field of crystals. They remind me somewhat of flowers because they rise from the ground on a small stem and then end in a sphere. I see every color of crystal, some in primary colors and others of mixed colors, some small and some very large. I’m floating around and become transfixed on one that is a bluish/violet in color. I voice behind me says “ go ahead, it’s been waiting for you.” I reach down and touch it and then wake from my dream.

14th March 2009, 12:09 AM
I see a lot of symbols- the centaur or the pegasus seem unequal- the male can fly away (more freedom) than the female. They are both fantastic but fragile, and they are attacked by 'human', I think you said they were men.
In this I see the desire to escape from the brutality of human life, possibly tied to the male of the species (of that I'm not sure, IDK if there were women among the attackers).
The crystal flowers also make me think of fragile beauty, and there is something sexual in the shape of the 'flower' part of them too.

I would say the water symbolizes the unconscious- the waters were still (serene) until the attack happened, and the creature happened.

All very interesting. Your symbology sounds beautiful. Makes me want to draw all the 'good' parts.

22nd March 2009, 09:31 AM
I turn to see one last creature on the shore, is it waiting for me? A voice says “yes, it wants to show you something.” I float in and grab the creature at the base of the wings. I feel a tingle and we rise up in the air about ten feet. We start moving down the beach towards where I saw the centaurs come from. We are moving very fast, just above the top of the water when suddenly it swoops inland and up higher. The creature disappears and I’m floating high in the air, the sun is shinning brightly again and below me I see a field of color. I float down to get a better look and as I draw near I realize I’m in a field of crystals. They remind me somewhat of flowers because they rise from the ground on a small stem and then end in a sphere. I see every color of crystal, some in primary colors and others of mixed colors, some small and some very large. I’m floating around and become transfixed on one that is a bluish/violet in color. I voice behind me says “ go ahead, it’s been waiting for you.” I reach down and touch it and then wake from my dream.

Hi, Damon. Do you have book 3 of the Convoluted Universe yet? I got it a few months ago and, of course it is amazing. You might be interested in this (starts on pg. 586):

Virginia saw herself immediately in a beautiful forest setting. Yet it had many unusual attributes that set it apart from the normal. There were crystals of all sizes and colors growing out of the ground. In the middle of a circle surrounded by crystals there was a seat. She saw herself as a young male dressed in a loose shift tied at the waist. He came regularly to this place, and considered it to be his own special place. He would sit in the middle of the crystals and feel the energy moving through his body. He said this was the way he stayed healthy. “It’s maintenance. It’s very peaceful and very energized; very calming. You can feel the frequency. You can feel the energy from the crystals going through you and around you. The different colors of the crystals are used for different purposes. Yellow is your health, your body. White is your mind. The green is for cleansing. And the purple is a protective energy that goes with you.”


D: It sounded like a strange place where all the crystals were growing out of the ground.

V: The crystals were from a ship. The ship had been left here.

D: So it was a long time ago?

V: Yes.

D: Are they still in existence?

V: Yes, they have multiplied. The place is still there. I feel it’s covered. The river, the floods, the landslides. Still there, but not visible. The crystals have very powerful energy.

:wink: :D

23rd March 2009, 11:47 PM
I do have book three, I just finished book two last night. I thought book two was much easier to read than book one, so book three should be even better. I would like to thank you once again for the recommendation. It has explained a lot to me about my dreams. I have had some wild ones as of late, too difficult for me to put into words because I don't understand a lot of what I see or do in the dream.

As an example, last week during a dream I was in a city with waterways for streets. During the dream someone told me I needed to go somewhere else within the city for the answer I seeked. I asked where it was and a vision of a building came into my mind. I then asked how do I get there and was told "the path is in the water." I turned to the water, it was a beautiful turquoise blue color and about thirty feet wide. Now instead of diving into the water as my conscious mind would direct I just became part of the water, I felt the current and different pressures as I moved along the winding path. After a few moments of this I decided I wasn't moving fast enough and started to accelerate, once again doing something contrary to conscious thought. Instead of moving in a straight line I was zig zagging back and forth as I moved through the water.

I really believe that a lot off them are past life memories coming through from my subconscious mind or a connection to another faucet of my soul while I'm in a dream state. I know something is different when I have this type of dream because I always wake up to a strobe like effect in my head.

I have also noted many similarities between some of the information in the books and certain parts of my dreams. Like the crystal field in book three (which I didn't even know about yet :shock: ) and the planet with the three towers of knowledge. :D