View Full Version : Visual Acuity with Outer Body

10th March 2009, 09:27 PM
A friend told me of an experience he had during a chickenpocks fever of 106.
His center of awareness went to the ceiling at the a corner of the room and he looked down and saw his friends and himself. The strange thing was his visual perception, his visual acuity was 20/20 and beyond when he saw from an outerbody vantage point, but while in the body he cannot see clearly and wears glasses. He was preoccupied with looking a flowering begonia during this episode.

Perhaps this phenomena has something to do with DMT the body produces during near death experiences. DMT would produce greatly elevated visual acuity, [Removed drug reference- please see site rules]-Admin

11th March 2009, 07:20 AM
Out of body vision and physical sensory vision are not really related, except maybe by belief. People will not be impaired in out-of-body vision because they wear glasses in real life. You are simply not seeing through the physical apparatus in any way, which becomes truly apparent when the projector leaves the room the physical body is in.

The physical body cannot pass through objects, but in RTZ OBEs you can. There's no chemical that can create this experience or change that. There's no way to do that we currently know of. The energy bodies the consciousness resides in during OBEs obey different laws of perception, movement and so on.

So it would be illogical to tie the visual acuity to the production of a chemical, but ignore things like being able to pass through walls or being able to observe from an arbitrary vantage point. I think it is unrelated. It would be like stating "His eyesight was 20/20, just like when he is actually wearing his glasses, which he did not, so therefore the energy body must have some kind of glasses." It does not follow.


Aunt Clair
14th March 2009, 11:01 AM
A friend told me of an experience he had during a chickenpocks fever of 106.
His center of awareness went to the ceiling at the a corner of the room and he looked down and saw his friends and himself. The strange thing was his visual perception, his visual acuity was 20/20 and beyond when he saw from an outerbody vantage point, but while in the body he cannot see clearly and wears glasses. He was preoccupied with looking a flowering begonia during this episode.

Perhaps this phenomena has something to do with DMT the body produces during near death experiences. DMT would produce greatly elevated visual acuity, [Removed drug reference- please see site rules]-Admin

I agree that a fever of 106 could bring on an altered state of consciousness and /or a NDE . And both events could precipitate an OBE . Others report that their vision in OBE may be worse or better than their physical visual acuity . For example , some have not developed clairvoyance and report dim sight without colours in OBE and others who are physically visually impaired or blind have reported perfect sight in OBE .