View Full Version : another flying lesson

Neil Templar
9th March 2009, 05:23 PM
so this is a definite theme at the moment for me -teaching friends to fly.
a new-ish workmate and i are walking thru town, the sun is shining.
i decide to show him what he's capable of, i take us both into the air.
a few meters from the ground at first, he seems cool with it.
then UP!!!
we shoot straight up, above the clouds, then stop.
"this is like that scene from superman" he says.
i laugh, then tell him "this is the real fun"
and again, we freefall back down to the ground, landing safely where we began.

over the past 3 weeks i've had so many dreams where i've been teaching friends to fly.
i was told recently that i had to help raise the consciousness of the planet.
is this my way of doing that?

9th March 2009, 05:46 PM
That's a great insight. I do believe you're right.

9th March 2009, 06:24 PM
"this is like that scene from superman" he says.

"Don't worry, I've got you."

"You've got me!? Who's got you!?"

I love that movie. :mrgreen:

Neil Templar
9th March 2009, 06:50 PM

Neil Templar
22nd March 2009, 12:17 PM
this morning, yet more flying lessons for folk i know, including my girlfriend.
she's been getting p*ssed off cos i'm always taking other people flying and never her! hehe... should keep me outta trouble for a bit. :wink: