View Full Version : Werewolf movie trailer.

Neil Templar
9th March 2009, 05:11 PM
this short one was like a movie trailer.
lots of short scenes, quickly cutting from one to the next.
played by Christian Bale, (batman, american psycho) a man starts to have strange experiences.
he is developing powers, abilities.
sense of smell, sight hearing increase.
strength, speed of movement.
he's frightened by what's happening, confused, keeping it to himself.

in the final scene he's driving a Lambourghini car, yellow, very fast along the highway. the engines are screaming, the road is flying past, he's dangerously close to the edge of the road, going round corners, so close to crashing.
his emotional stress levels are thru the roof, he's gritting his teeth, almost screaming..
he rounds another corner, just before he hits the barrier, he looks down at his hands, dark hairs sprout out from under his sleeves, he realizes what's been happening, he's a werewolf!!
from a distance i see the car hit the barrier and tumble thru the air.. crashing into the grass by the side of the road.

end. :shock: