View Full Version : Man explains his death

9th March 2009, 03:02 PM
I had a dream which was in a castle. We were in a small room, ground floor. There was an axe on display, I was sat on a chaise lounge. There were 4 other men in the room. One was being interviewed, one the interviewer, one the cameraman and one the presenter. The axe (pole-axe, I looked it up as I didn't know precisely what type of weapon it was) was the focal point. The man being interviewed started to point at it as he spoke and talked of how it came down across his body. (we all finished his sentence off, he didn't speak it but thought it) I knew exactly how it had struck him. He was matter of fact about it.
The presenter was excitable and jumping about, I tugged on his shirt and made a little joke and he turned to me smiling incredulously and walked to the cameraman saying "she hasn't got a clue whats going on!"
I didn't at the time but when I woke I realised the possible significance of it, that this was someone sharing how he died with me?
I recalled all the details of the room and drew a sketch of it, shape & details of it. Could see outside too as the door was open that led to the pathway and grass outside.
Interested in opinions whether it sounds like that is what it was. Wasn't the usual type of dream, there is normally a palatable difference when there is interaction happening with people from the spirit realms. Had a few but this one had a different feel from it.
Thanks for reading. :)

9th March 2009, 04:25 PM
I would venture a couple of guesses about this dream- the obvious symbolic 'pun'- the word 'poleaxed' to mean 'confused' (http://against-the-day.pynchonwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=ATD_557-587), and the man telling the story an aspect of yourself- an aspect that 'doesn't have a clue', and other aspects of you (your higher aspects?) amused about it.
Another less symbolic way of looking at it would be that you wandered into the afterdeath zone and witnessed helpers counseling the newly departed in ways to deal with the violent way he died. He may be still 'in the zone' and not realize where he is and what's 'really' going on.

10th March 2009, 01:23 PM
Thanks for your reply, went into my spam so need to check that. :)
Both symbolic & non symbolic explanations are plausible & it's interesting what you say about the wandering in aspect of the non symbolic version. Also that he may not realize what is going on.
The poleaxed word meaning confused? That's been me for a while!! :wink: So that fits too.
Thanks for your insight, given me more to think about with it.