View Full Version : Sex with spirits?

9th March 2009, 02:56 AM
A few years ago I had just fell asleep and was in that state where you still feel awake. I was laying on my back and felt someone on top of me pleasuring me. I was enjoying it, then I felt another presence there. He seemed to push the other guy aside and grabbed me by my ankles and tried to pull me down the bed. I sat up feeling very dizzy and disoriented and tried to stop him. Then I woke up. But it very real. Amost anytime I sleep on my back I sense somebody near me, or feel them. A few days ago I fell asleep on my back and felt a presence grab me by my ankles and slide me down the bed. I object when this happens, then I wake up. What is this? Did I invite this by enjoying it that one time?

9th March 2009, 07:22 AM
I have a friend who was almost ripped out of body at night many times. He put more and more resistance in, until he finally met who was doing it. In his case it was an angel. He described him very vividly. The angel respected his request of stopping this and it did not happen again. Now my friend sometimes wishes he still had this assistance, as now his OBE exits are a hit-or-miss affair... ;)

I don't say this is necessarily something positive, but even positive helpers can seem frightening because we fear the unknown. My friend is not alone in that. I remember a story from the Monroe institute where a group of beings always helped a projector out. In fact, one day another person was using the same time and place to be shown the Monroe Institute's approach to altered mind states, only to report to suddenly be in the presence of these beings. Call it an astral mixup.

If you feel irritated by this it might be helpful to clearly state, aloud and in your mind as well, that you do not want this and want to be left alone. Maybe that changes this situation for you.

Take care,

9th March 2009, 07:36 AM
I'm sure you'll get lots of other opinions, so don't take mine as anything other than speculation, but it does occur to me that many times, we as humans interpret spiritual bliss in a sexual way. The sensation of bliss is unusual in normal, everyday human experience, and about the closest thing you can get to it really is the intensity of sexual gratification. It used to freak em out quite a lot until I figured out that it was just my interpretation.

The other thought that occurs to me is that the original sensation you described sounds very like the classic description of an incubus encounter. Incubi are supposedly demons that come to you in your asleep and have sex with you, pretty much for the purpose of draining your energy (the feminine version of the demon is a succubus).

Having never experienced anything like this (though I have had some very vivid sexual encounters in dreams and also in trance states), I'm not really able to speak from a been there, done that kind of knowledge. I'm just kind of thinking about it and thought I'd share, and maybe some of it will make sense to you. Or not.

I'm sure someone else will be along to give you some more ideas, as well.

One thing to recommend is that you practice psychic shielding prior to going to sleep. It can't hurt. ;)