View Full Version : I read books in my dreams...anyone else do this?

9th March 2009, 02:38 AM
I love reading, and it's something I do a lot when I'm awake. But sometimes I have dreams that I'm reading a book. I actually see the words, read them and comprehend the story. Sometimes I wake up before finishing and I get upset that I wasn't able to finish the story. Last night I was in the middle of a scary dream and when I got too scared I pulled out the book and flipped back a page. I re-read the part of the dream that scared me, then wasn't scared to continue with it. I know that was my way of taking away my fear, but what about the books I read in my other, more normal dreams? Am I enjoying some authors from the other side? The books I read aren't anything I've heard of in real life, and I usually can't remember the story when I wake up. Does this happen to anyone else?

9th March 2009, 03:02 AM
I've read things in dreams before...I've had many dreams of being in libraries looking for books to read. In a recent dream my Sifu (martial arts instructor) gave me a book to read that was a fantasy book. I remember reading the description on the back and thinking that it would be a pretty good book. I don't remember the details of it, unfortunately.

But no, you're not alone in this. :)

9th March 2009, 03:26 AM
I read a great deal and always have, but I can't recall any dreams specifically with books in them. Interesting. I would guess that dreams have some specific symbolic meaning for you, and that's why you dream about them.

9th March 2009, 11:00 AM
I remember writing something down in a dream/projection so I would remember. Guess what - I didn't. ;)

I remember being shown a book once about how to gain access to the higher bodies. I did not remember, either. :X

Being shown a book to read in is not that uncommon, I think. But prose? I cannot remember hearing that.

But books get channeled, people tap into the world view of people long dead (like Jane Robert's "World View of Paul Cezanne: Psychic Interpretation"). Also works that only exist as ideas or were never written are possible, I guess...


9th March 2009, 06:53 PM
I’ve had dreams where I’m reading books. Usually they’re these super-technical types of books. At the time the concepts make complete sense, the content is usually “other-worldly” and at the time I dream of reading these books I think to myself, “you know I could be a millionaire if I bring this out to my world”.. freaky. Of course I don’t even remember the concept or anything about what I just read in the dream! FRUSTRATING!

One of these days though you’re all gonna see me on the news :mrgreen:

29th March 2009, 02:35 PM
Yes! I have had this happen to me a few times. The books are always fascinating stories, and I will remember what they were about for just a few drowsy moments - then I can't remember the story for the life of me!

I've also dreamed songs and movies. I always think that if I could only remember them that I would be a great author or songwriter etc... It never dawned on me though that perhaps these are real things from beyond. That maybe someone did really write this book or what have you...

The most common dream I have regarding books though is a re-occuring dream that I've had since I was a child that I'm in a library and the library catches fire (not sure what that means)