View Full Version : old lady stalker! help?!

8th March 2009, 09:53 AM
okay, i had this dream about a crazy women trying to give me a cookie my friend has already posted a blog about it and recieved replys that was last saturday. just so it makes sense the last dream was i was in a little cottage looking thing and a scary lady kept trying to get me eat a cookie but i didnt want it because it was bad and when i refused she chased me screaming at me to eat it.. anyway, this saturday night just been i had another frigen strange dream.
in both dream i saw the same crazy looking lady expect this time she was seen as a an authority figure. the dream was
me and my mate were in a car parking lot and i lost my wallet so we walked into these public toliets which were unisexed inside the carpark and there were two wallets on the ground, one was like a little pouch thing and i picked it up to see if it had anything in it , it didnt so i threw it behind me, as i threw it , i heard this voice yell out "who is trying to steal that wallet!" for some reason me and my friend have freaked out and bolted for it, the crazy lady ran after us and for some reason made us stop, i was shaking and acting really neverous and although i couldnt see myself i could feel it, i was panicing bad.. the lady asked if we stole it, i said no and she didnt believe me and started intergating me asking if i didnt steal it why was a paincing, the lady scared the ♥♥♥♥ outta me!she said more things too me but its hard to remember mostly about the wallet and why i looked so nervous towards her.. just like in the other dream, i could smell her, feel her, everything felt so real i woke up and i was still in shock from the dream, does anyone know what the hell is going on or what it means?

9th March 2009, 11:18 AM
okay, i had this dream about a crazy women trying to give me a cookie my friend has already posted a blog about it and recieved replys that was last saturday.

Hrm?? I thought XxrickyxX posted that? viewtopic.php?f=4&t=14136 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=14136)

Well, authority figure is one of the roles dream characters can assume:

Delimiter: the portion of consciousness responsible for establishing, maintaining, or dismantling belief systems, or identifying and eliminating problems created by the shadow (what Charles calls shadow logic), often represented by the legal profession, government officials, judges, the police(from: http://www.kurtleland.com/content/view/74/128/)

This is the second dream where you were chased by the crazy lady. So the old lady represents a similar problem or the issue at hand, and the act of running away of the problem is involved.

The wallet could mean the problem you're evading is financial, about personal gain or even about identity (people keep their IDs/driving licencses in their wallets). Nothing was in there? Could mean "lack of means" or "lack of identity".

You're also expressing guilt here even though you did nothing wrong. You were reacting to accusations, probably part of "dream logic"...

A friend of mine offered the explanation to me once that waking up from a dream with an emotional reaction means that the dream itself was not enough to process that emotion fully. It's a carryover from dream activity (trying to process and resolve emotional issues in the psyche) into waking consciousness.

The lady exhibited all the signs of "bad authority" - disbelief, bullying, etc. Maybe your personal delimiter is a bit out of control? Maybe you have overly limiting beliefs that even lead to you feeling guilty?

Take care,

11th March 2009, 08:05 AM
yea he wrote it bout me to get some answers on it.
thanks for the help is there any way i could stop it or her?

11th March 2009, 12:22 PM
I think she's just a symbol for your personal fear or a problem you don't want to face. The harder you evade it, the harder it will come back to you in another way.

I think you have to understand what is going on, the issue at hand, and that would the beginning of resolving this. Further dreams might shed light on this.


12th March 2009, 07:49 AM
ite cheers mate
ill let ya kno if i have anymore that need ya help.