View Full Version : shared dream with a friend

Neil Templar
7th March 2009, 03:33 PM
3 nights ago i had an epic dream, part of which involved me walking with a small group of friends, thru some mountains.
one of those friends is someone i haven't hung out with for about 3 months.
last night, after work, i was sitting in the bar at work, when he walked in.
this was the conversation -
ME "hey man, i dreamed about you the other night!"
HIM "no way! i dreamed i was with you the other night!"
"2 nights ago?"
"yep, we were going on a long walk"
"thru the mountains?"
"holy sh*t!! you're joking?"
"you dreamed we were walking thru the mountains?"
"yep, me too! cool!"

7th March 2009, 06:16 PM
Cool indeed.

8th March 2009, 07:30 AM
Neil, I had one a few days ago too. Here's the bit from my dream:

Now we’re in some type of dining room. I’m at the far end trying to restore table settings to cleanliness as someone has flicked food over them. I think they’re there for a coming wedding. D L (my boss) is in a concrete laundry type sink. He’s mucking around for my amusement, doing a clownish version of Swan Lake. I laugh to be polite but I just want to get the cleaning done. (In the past, the inappropriate behaviour of an authority figure was enough to get me lucid. I sort of sense this happening here).

Someone talks to me, wanting me to go with him. I don't even look at him. I keep cleaning.

The mayor enters and tells me it's right that I continue to get the place right for the banquet/wedding.

Now, that morning my friend emails saying he dreamt he asked me to go somewhere with him but I said I wouldn't because it was my job to do the cleaning.

Neil Templar
8th March 2009, 02:26 PM

is it just me or are these moments of noticing connectedness with folk becoming more frequent for everyone?

8th March 2009, 08:59 PM
I've noticed that lately too.

Neil Templar
9th March 2009, 01:22 PM
ok, this has happened again, just 2 nights ago.
i had a dream that turned OBE, and i was with 3 people i know.
yesterday i asked each of them if they remembered anything, and one of them, my oldest and closest friend, described where we were and where we went to. 8)
i'm gonna do a separate thread about the experience, it was very cool indeed.. infact that whole night was full of interesting stuff.. 8)