View Full Version : Here is another " Starmap"

7th March 2009, 03:36 AM
The dream begins with me sitting on a park bench, it’s a nice sunny day. The bench is green and the ground beneath my feet is sandy. There is a man sitting next to me with fair skin and a full beard. His hair is wavy and shoulder length. He is talking to me but his lips are not moving. He hands me a note with something written on it but I’m unable to read it. I tell him I don’t understand and he looks at me and smiles. He speaks to me again and this time I understand him. He tells me that someone thanks me for everything I’ve done for him, he told me the name but I didn’t understand. He smiled at me again and bent over and drew a symbol in the sand. It looked like the mathematical symbol for Pi, but with only one vertical line instead of two. He looks at me again and says now do you understand? I shake my head yes and walk away into the park in front of me.

I look up into a tree in front of me and notice that in the sky beyond, there are two suns in the sky. The first is roughly the size of ours, a little bigger, but not as bright. The second was about a quarter the size of the first. There was a moon visible in the sky as well, half the size of the first sun. I decided to get a better look and floated up above the trees. There where buildings in the distance, I needed more height, another burst and I’m now high in the sky with a clear view. As I study the stars in front of me I suddenly find myself out in space, a black void. Stars begin to come into view in front of me, at first a few, then hundreds. My attention is drawn to one star as it brightens in intensity. The star field turns into a three dimensional map. A circle is drawn around the bright star and a group of symbols appear next to it, I think it was CRE2, but can’t say for sure (text is always the hardest thing to remember). The area around the star expands and I see a solar system, a dozen or so planets of varying size, their orbits defined by lines, each planet with symbols next to it. A planet blinks and expands, a circle is drawn around it, the symbols where clear but can’t remember those at all. The planet expands again, this time engulfing my entire view, I seem to be in orbit around it. I see an unrecognizable land mass that runs from the northern pole and extends two thirds the distance to the south. It has many fingers that extend out into its ocean and I also see clouds. The view changes and what I see now I can’t describe, it’s an explosion of color, like looking through a kaleidoscope. Geometric symbols start to form in front of me and as they come to the forefront they are also circled. Paragraphs of symbols appear next to each one, it’s going way too fast for me now and I can’t keep up. The speed of the images increases and then brightens into a white light, a pure white void, and then black and I wake up.

Neil Templar
7th March 2009, 11:05 AM
:shock: 8) :D

that sounds very familiar, two suns, a moon visible, from the park... :? i can't remember exactly tho.
very cool experience!