View Full Version : Vivid dreams

7th March 2009, 03:32 AM
Hello group,

I would like to share I dream I had a while back and get your thoughts. This dream is from my journal but is one of many very vivid dreams I have had and don't know what to make of it. I have posted this on another forum already but I'm always looking for new perspectives. I have excellent dream recall so excuse me if it is a bit lengthy. :D

I titled this one "Another Place"

First thing that I recall was being under some sort of structure. It was low to the ground and I felt like I was under a porch. I’m hiding from someone or something, it’s the dead of the night and there are lights moving around everywhere out there, searching. I’m pressing myself up against a wall in an attempt to better conceal myself. There is a darkness for a bit, a void, I must have fallen asleep. The darkness dissolves away, I’m awake now and it is light outside. I hear voices and feel a presence around me. I take a look around to survey my situation. There are two openings for me to take, one behind, one in front. Out beyond the openings I see green grass and bushes. The bushes are along a very high stone wall. The stone is rust in color, brick shaped and there are no mortar joints, the masonry is flawless. The top of the wall steps up and down as it goes off in the distance.

I hear a crackle behind me, electrical in nature, it’s very close. I turn to see a man near the back opening. His skin is an ash gray, scraggly white hair, deep set eyes with dark circles around them. He is dressed in rags and physically very frail looking. He has in his hand a staff, this is the source of the electrical discharge. At the top of the staff there is a glowing white crystal, a blue energy swirls around it and there seems to be some sort of cage containing it. He sees me now, I turn to exit out the front but stop in my tracks. There is another person blocking my retreat. This one is very tall, about eight feet in height, big boned and muscular. He has dark shoulder length hair, stubble on his face, fair skin and is wearing loose fitting clothes. He is also holding some sort of staff at his side, it’s gray and metallic looking, different from the one the old man is wielding. My eyes scan back and forth between the two of them. Which way do I go? The person in front yells “get him out of there” to the old man. I turn to face him as he is adjusting something around the crystal. As he finishes his adjustments the energy around the crystal starts to swirl faster. He raises the staff above his head and strikes the ground in front of him. Energy crackles and is released in a clap. I feel a wave hit me and the hair on my body stands on end. Something tells me I do not want any part of that staff. I turn to the front opening and the other one is now standing in a defensive stance with his staff out in front of him. The staff seems to be vibrating as it is hard to focus on the tip. That’s when I notice over his shoulder a portion of the wall that seems lower than the rest. I think I can jump that high but I have to get around him first. I charge from the opening right at him, he draws the staff over his head to strike me but I’m to fast. I reach him and catch his hand before he can come down. He just stands there, starring at me, my free hand strikes him in the shoulder joint and he releases the staff. I strike him a few times and he falls to the ground. I toss the staff to the side and run for the wall. As I’m running away I hear the men shouting behind me. Their shouts are answered somewhere up in front of me, more have joined the chase. I see movement out of the corner of my eye. I’m at the wall now and I leap, just catching the top with my hand. I pull myself up and do a quick flip over the wall.

What I see before me now is truly aye inspiring. I’m standing on an enormous walkway that is the top of the wall. It now reminds me of the Great Wall of China because the walkway extends off into the horizon in both directions. Directly in front of me is a huge courtyard seamlessly connected to the walkway. There are three buildings spaced evenly around the courtyard all equally impressive in size and beauty. Three cathedrals all connected at their base, all with a very tall tower at the center, all made of the same rust colored stone. I get the impression this is a place of great knowledge. I hear hurried footsteps coming from my left. My friends have emerged from a hidden stairwell and are rushing towards me. I turn to my left and run down the walkway, away from them. I’m picking up a lot of speed now and hear nothing behind me. My focus is drawn out in front of me, the wall is coming to an end. I leap over and land on another walkway, shorter, but of the same material. This section is not maintained like the rest as it is falling apart. I reach the end of this section and leap again. This time I land on the ground, the soil is sandy and also kind of reddish in color. There are small shrubs growing up from the soil. I start to run again and the shrubs begin to increase in height. I must jump up to see where I’m going. My jumps increase in height as the trees do and I can sense I’m about to take flight, one more jump.

I’m up in the air now looking down at the forest below me as I pass over. The trees are very tall with stilt like root systems. There are breaks in the tree tops here and there exposing small lakes. I’m picking up speed again, the trees terminate at a coastline, red sand beaches. The water below me is an aqua blue and fairly calm. I’m really starting to move at a great speed now. I look back and watch the shoreline dissolve away. Turning my attention back in front of me I see a tower rising up from the water. It is very different from the other structures. The material seems to be metallic, hues of blue, green, and purple dance across the surface. As I pass over it I get a sense of its size, hundreds of feet tall. I look ahead and see another one, similar, but slightly different in color. I am going really fast now and the towers are passing by like fence posts. All in a straight line heading somewhere off in the distance. They stop and I reach the opposite shore or maybe just an island. The landmass is littered with waterways, like fingers extending out into the water, small dwellings all around the shoreline. I’m moving to fast and can’t get a good look at them. My sight goes blurry and the darkness returns. I hear a voice, “Damon wake up, you can wake up now, we are here.” I open my eyes and look at the clock, its 5:59 am, much later than most of my journeys. I usually have these around the 4 o’clock time frame. There is a strobe like effect going on in my head and a tingling. This is a common side effect when I have dreams like this.

9th March 2009, 11:31 AM
Does not seem like a dream, does it?

No obvious symbolism that I can identify, seems more like playing a fantasy computer game from the ego perspective.


13th March 2009, 11:15 PM
I have many dreams like this and they are very vivid. What I notice about these dreams are that I have no problem with recalling them, it's like it happened to me during the day while fully awake. I can still recall the images in my mind today like any other memory. It's why I post these dreams because I don't understand why I have them or what they mean.