View Full Version : Dream of (possible) ancient civilization: Akashic records?

5th March 2009, 11:59 PM
I had a dream perhaps 3 months ago, but has remained in my mind. It was vivid, more so than my usual dreams. Here it is...

- It was situated within a cave, high in the mountains (somewhere?) which looked out onto a valley.
- There was a mechanical device setup within the cave. My impression was that it was a device like a telescope used for monitoring the stars, as it pointed toward the sky.
- A man appeared whom I knew from somewhere (not in this lifetime!) and beckoned me towards the back of the cave.
- Toward the back of the cave was an opening, which looked out onto a massive (miles and miles) cave system, which was well illuminated.
- Miles in the distance of the cavern I could see a small city (stonelike in form), and then another one miles further beyond.
- The man explained to me that this place was once inhabited, but the inhabitants had long since left (I think due to water supplies running low within the cities).
- He also explained that the small cities were all interconnected via an underground system (or that the cities were interconnected via underground water system. Fuzzy memory!).
- He then beckoned me to "the library", a huge cylindrical column bored out of the mountains, which contained information much like a library. In what form i.e. books I do not know.
- I remember objects swirling up through the column (I don't know the relevance of this) almost like leaves in a wind spiraling upward.

And that's about all the info I can remember. The dream has really bugged me as I don't know where it came from. Usually, I dream about familiar things, but this was off the hook!

Last night I sat down for bedtime reading, I am currently reading "Seth Speaks" by Jane Roberts, and started the chapter about reincarnational civilizations. She speaks about three civilizations pre-dating Atlantis. One of these was "Lumania". A lot of things she wrote, rung true about the dream I experienced, for instance:

- The Lumainans dwelled underground in cave systems.
- They utilized sound to bore through the rock.
- The Lumanians developecd outposts (perhaps the small cities I saw) to monitor the outside world.
- The Lumanians used technology to monitor outside activity (perhaps the telescope mechanism I saw).

My questions are...

- Is it possible that I dipped into the Akashic records and obtained this information whilst in sleep state, or was I shown this for another reason?
- Has anyone else had any similar experiences?

Thought I'd put it out there anyway.


6th March 2009, 04:48 AM
There are many possibilities, like for example the one you described. Or this is information from a past life you had there. Dreams can happen on many levels, and the raised vividness could indicate a higher level dream, presenting you with information from another level of being.

Very interesting to note that your dream predates your reading of the book that kind of matches the obtained dream knowledge. Since time is nothing to certain aspects of yourself this might be validation inserted into your reality that you are to take your dream life seriously, as your soul can obviously give you information this way that you can cross-check with books. But also certainly beyond! But some validation first is something you should consider yourself lucky for. Some people seem to be willing to give an astral arm for that... ;)

Perhaps one day you will know what exact mechanism gave you this info. Maybe not. Just be open for more. The exact same thing might not happen to you again, but once interesting things like this start to happen to you, you are almost bound to get more of them, and they can come in all kinds of variety during dream and during waking.

Take care,

6th March 2009, 08:10 PM
Thanks for the prompt reply Oliver, it has given me some nice info to chew on. The dream has certainly puzzled me for some time, upon reading the Seth Speaks chapter, it got me very intrigued.

I do have two further questions...

- Can you reccomend any techniques which would enable me to access this kind information in dream or waking state, or at least to filter out the meaningful dream stuff from the fluff? I seem to dream a lot, and would like to persue this path as I think it is my "astral strongpoint!"

- Can you reccomend, or point me in the right direction, of any problem solving techniques which can be utilized in waking and/or dream state? (This is an area which also intrigues me!).

Thanks again,

Kind Regards,

Lemmiwinks 8)

6th March 2009, 08:34 PM
I wish I would remember my dreams more, you know. Consider yourself lucky (ehm, again! :lol: ). You can never quite know what is fluff and what is good. Generally speaking there is more to each dream than meets the eye.

The thing I would recommend to explore is to keep a dream journal and write down as much as you can. Then try to interpret as much as you can. This will help you understand your dreams more, yourself more and help you recognise the extraordinary, too.

I get all kinds of different things in dreams, and if I do not write them down and try to access the dream again more deeply through meditation I miss most of the actual goodies. In fact I would have forgotten and never accessed meaningful experiences because my mind would consider them "not important" if I could not even muster the effort to write them down.

As for problem-solving - as far as I have read your last thoughts before falling asleep influence your dreams a lot. So, trying to think about what you want to do or want to know when falling asleep is one way. IIRC Robert actually recommends this, and that's where I got that from.

Or you can just clearly express your intent - maybe even aloud - that you want to learn more about XY before going to bed. Or use affirmations. Robert has recommendations on that, too.

Take care,

7th March 2009, 12:45 AM
I'll give it a go.

Thanks Oliver! :D

7th March 2009, 08:48 AM
and try to access the dream again more deeply through meditation

Ehm... I don't remember writing that or intending to write that. I probably wanted to say "contemplation", but had a sub-/supra-conscious slip there I guess... :) So, there's a hint for myself, too! :D
