View Full Version : Does astral body need breathing?

5th March 2009, 09:31 PM
Dear Robert,
When I have lucid dream I watch my hands, that helps me to stay in LD more clearand more longer, then I touch my hands, and this feeling is the same when i touch my hands in my physical body...
I wonder when a person have a AP or OBE does eterical (astral body) need breathing ?

In this world when I breath out air to my skin, to my hand, I feel this.

Can you in your astral body breath in and breath out?
If you breath out to you skin, to your hand, could you feel this?
Is there in astral world such a supstance such or simmilar as air is in our physical world?
Thank you.

Robert Bruce
2nd March 2010, 07:13 AM
In the astral there is no air.

but you can feel yourself breathing if you want to feel this, and feel this on your skin if you blow on it.

you can go underwater in the astral, and feel yourself breathing.

But, the astral body does not need to breathe.
