View Full Version : Clairvoyant in lucid dreaming
8th January 2006, 01:03 PM
For much of my life it seems I have been clairvoyant during some of my dreams. In order to be clairvoyant during a dream, it seems I must go into a lucid dream state. Usually I am clairvoyant about someone I already know or have already seen. Just recently, not too many months ago (maybe 5 months ago?), I had a lucid dream about someone I have never met in real life....meaning I've never seen this person or even a picture of this person, but I met them over the internet. [chuckle]
When I described to this person (who I had only met over the internet) what I was seeing of them, it seemed to match, except for the hair colour. However, during the lucid dream state of seeing this person, there was a white/yellow golden glow (soft misty wind) all around them, colour and eye colour was out of the question. There was too much light strobing around this person to see such details. But, as for the tempo of voice, what the person was saying, and how the person looked, it seemed to fit the description.
Now, when I told all of this to this person, they could not recall of ever visiting me, let's say, in an astral way.
So, what I'm wondering could I see all this?
What was I seeing - meaning, what subtle body was I seeing? Is it possible that I was seeing a "double" of this person?
As you can see, I'm still a bit perplexed by it all. This is something I've never experienced before, and I'm just looking for any clarification someone might have, or possibly some shared experiences. Has anybody ever heard other stories of this happening?
14th January 2006, 11:10 PM
I'm bound to figure this out one of these days! LOL :twisted:
15th January 2006, 11:12 AM
Yes, it is like a puzzle, isn't it? Here a piece and there a piece and some pieces you only get when looking behind the couch ... :-D
17th January 2006, 01:17 PM
Hi :wink:
I have been having thoughts that perhaps I'm not explaining this correctly as to why it is so perplexing to me.
First, it is like this.....I am having just an ordinary dream. I am IN my mind having a dream. In this dream, this other person is not IN it. But, while I'm having this dream IN my mind, on the OUTSIDE of my mind I am seeing someone floating outside above my head and they are able to watch from the OUTSIDE into my dream, and then this person began to comment about the dream I was having. This made me slightly wake up, go lucid, and seriously, physically, lift my head up to open my eyes and see who this person was that was talking to me from the OUTSIDE of my dream. When I looked up, my physical eyes were still closed, but I could see this person.....
it was not an ordinary sight. They looked like a female wizard, with a golden, windy mist blowing all around their face. I have never seen anything like that a real visitation, but I am still in the lucid state. I heard the tone of voice, saw the face and hair...all that.
What I'm wondering now is if there are two aspects of mind going on, one inside my own mind that has dreams, and the other on some astral plane? I'm sure it is a common thing.
But, I'm not sure.
17th January 2006, 01:41 PM
This is not an answer or even an interpretation, just an instance of a similar experience-at least it gives me the same 'flavor'? I became lucid in a dream, so I decided to fly out of there and try to astral project from the dream. As I left the dream environment it looked as I was departing a stage- complete with fake sky, trees, etc. When I crossed a partition I was in a realistic environment I lost all ability to fly or anything- I found myself climbing trees to get out of there- as I went through another partition (like large cubicles) it degenerated into a regular dream and I lost lucidity and it played out like a 'being followed' dream from which I woke up. I never saw my pursuer but it was there in the nonlucid part.
17th January 2006, 03:21 PM
I think it must have to do with the mind-split. You were simultaniously dreaming (probably with the physical copy of mind) and identified with one of the doubles (maybe the astral ???). The double was inside the physical thus this parallel sensorical input. Are you sure you moved the physical head? Some subtle bodies can feel REALLY physical. :-)
20th January 2006, 02:15 AM
Thanks for sharing that dream, CFT. Trying to get different perspectives on this, thanks. :)
I think it must have to do with the mind-split. You were simultaniously dreaming (probably with the physical copy of mind) and identified with one of the doubles (maybe the astral ???). The double was inside the physical thus this parallel sensorical input. Are you sure you moved the physical head? Some subtle bodies can feel REALLY physical. :-)
Yes, now that you mention this, was like if I was aware of two places, and the outside place was definitely different, more in the spirit realm of place, rather than in my mind in a dream. Hmmm...did I really move my head? That's a good question. It felt as if I did, and I went lucid right at that moment and was aware that I lifted my head...but, as you very well could have been my double moving.
I didn't know that some subtle bodies can feel very physical. I think that's what happened then. :)
Thanks for your insight, Freawaru.
19th February 2006, 12:08 AM
Bronwyn, I have had many clairvoyant experiences which began as precognitive dreams (you can check the introduction section for more detail). On many occasions I have dreamed of conversations with friends that have yet to happen, or of places I have never been yet. I document all my dreams so this is a little more solid than the standard deja-vu which most people seem to be in tune with. Sometimes I will have dreams in which one of the dream-characters seems different somehow. While I can mainly tell that the dream imagery comes from my mind, there are instances when I am sure another character is a real-life person or at least a spirit independent of my mind. You will know when this is happening, they are not like regular dream characters. I actually know a married couple who told me that one night they shared the exact same dream (they were both in it as themselves) which sounds similar to what you experienced.
Based on my telepathic experiences in my waking life I came up with this little theory (please forgive me if I am not getting the terminology correct). Anyhow, I believe that we all exist in a dual plane. So each person has a physical-self and a metaphysical-self. This astral double is the one who is privy to the wealth of knowledge of the universe and also fully aware of our physical environment. There is some type of filter mechanism in the connection between these entities as so to protect our conscious-selves from a potentially infinite amount of information (see The Doors of Perception). When you meet someone or have a conversation (in RL, phone, net, or otherwise) you are forging a connection between these two metaphysical selves. The verbal communication is merely a side product of this psychic connection.
When you have any type of metaphysical experience what you are really doing is thinning this filtering mechanism so that your double-self becomes closer. I imagine "enlightenment" would be the experience of completely destroying this arbitrary boundry between the two worlds. What can be strange and also misleading is that once you become closer to your true self you open your mind up to the "memories" of your astral double (these can be past, present or future memories). Let me elaborate for a minute.
I have had experiences where I believe I can somehow feel other peoples thoughts (and they mine) without having to read their body language or any of the standard means of communication. It has gotten to the point where I can have a rudimentary conversation with someone without saying a word outloud. I can usually only glean the most rudimentary information through this channel (like if someone likes me or not, if they are uncomfortable and wish to leave, general feelings and vibes). Sometimes the information shared is more specific and personal. In these cases I have tested this knowledge on them by guiding a physical conversation later in the day. I began to realize that the people that are not in touch with themselves spiritually will not be consciously aware of what they are really thinking. So I must have been communicating with their astral doubles or thier deep sub-conscious mind (depending on how you want to look at it).
Based on personal experiences and those I have been told by friends I believe it is possible to meet these astral doubles in dreams in a shared experience. I mean, for all we know, dreaming may just be a window to this collective unconscious. Almost like the internet of the mind. What if every character in every dream actually is (or was/will be) a real-life person experiencing thier own version of the dream world simultaneously? Most people disregard thier dreams and few actually document and share them so how could this be verified? How do we know this isn't happening right now?
15th March 2006, 05:34 AM
cybereality, thank you for sharing all of this. I enjoyed reading all the different thoughts you shared. It gets me wondering even more.
I think what is making this dream of mine so mysterious is that I have never met or seen this person in the physical, but have only talked with her over the internet, no pictures included.
Also, another biggie is that I've never heard her physical voice, but she speaks a different language than I....though knows English.
Okay, these things stand out in my mind the most: that I could see a person (her, I'm supposing) with physical traits that are not like my own, nor like anybody else I've seen. It was very detailed, the length of hair and the slight wave or curl to it. Also, the tone in her voice was not like mine.
So, this is what is amazing to me, that it may be possible to see someone we've never met purely through our dreams, even while knowing this person only through the internet!
I do not think it was my astral double because she did not look like me or have a tone of voice like me, nor did she speak to me like I would speak to myself.
So, I think I was having two states going on: a dream state and a trance state.
This is all I can figure out at this time.
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