View Full Version : Dreamed I was an elephant

24th February 2009, 10:55 AM
The other night i had a dream where i was an elephant and i was being led into my new home at a zoo by a zoo keeper. While i was being showed around i saw an elephant which was obviously in distress as it was on the floor and it looked like it was crying out for help. I asked why the elephant was like that and the zoo keeper told me that it had done something wrong to the elephants and all the other elephants were not letting it have any food and they were letting it starve to death. I asked why the zoo keeper just doesn't feed it and he said that they have to let nature take its coarse. That's all i remember of the dream.

Can anyone help me with any of the symbols in this dream?

Thanks heaps.

24th February 2009, 11:53 AM
Elephants are social animals, being able of mourning, for example. Social issues and order come to mind when thinking of elephants. Elephants are known for example for their intelligence.

A zoo is an artificial environment, pretending to be nature. That makes a mockery out of the zoo keeper's statement that they have to let nature run its course. Zoos are known for doing anything to produce offspring, or keep offspring alive, for example.

One of the things I might consider would be that this was a scenario that helps induce lucidity. If you go with the dream logic - swallow the explanation - nothing towards lucidity happens. But if you are capable of recognising faulty logic, then lucidity might happen. It is a faint possibility here, though.

It could also have been a dream simulation to see whether your sense of compassion would override conforming with the rules or again accepting the explanation. Even if something is a societal norm does not mean you have to go with it. Given that you were an elephant yourself, this would actually mean some risk for yourself and acceptance in the new community, too. In this scenario, the zoo keeper who was leading you might have even been a guide/helper in disguise testing you.


24th February 2009, 01:59 PM
thanks for that oliver, i do remember the zoo looking very artificial and they had a couple of the elephants including the starving one in glass cages. At the time of the dream i remember accepting what the zoo keeper said in regards to letting nature take its course even though i did feel sad for it. I guess i failed the test lol

24th February 2009, 02:05 PM
I wouldn't say you failed it- dreamstate lessons are all about making the unconscious conscious- the dream preoccupied you enough to remember it, bring it here, get interpretations, and make sense of it. So you decided you failed it because your sense of compassion didn't kick in, or your lucidity wasn't triggered. But the fact that you now thought of these possibilities and internalized them tells me that you did move forward in your development. If there is more work to be done in these areas there will be more dreams related to one of those themes, if not the same scenario itself.

24th February 2009, 03:06 PM
I totally agree with CF here.

And these are not called "lessons" for nothing. You learn something. For example from errors as well.

I had similar dreams where my moral fiber was tested and I failed miserably, only to succeed later. It also told me in no unclear terms where I stood at that time. It *is* a growth process, so it's just a stepping stone along the road. :)

Take care,

27th February 2009, 07:43 AM
I had another dream last night, it started out with me fighting batman, then after the fight i ended up at school. When i went into class i saw that my teacher was jesus but he was fake, he looked like a blow up dole but i also had my real teacher there aswell. During the lesson my friend sensed that someone was coming for me, he told me to run because batman was coming for me, so i ran out of class as fast as i could then i woke up, but i woke up in sleep paralysis and i saw a shadow at the foot of my bed which looked like batman at first but i then realised it was evil. i then broke out of the sleep paralysis and woke up.

anyone got any ideas?
