View Full Version : octopuss tentacles

21st February 2009, 08:58 AM
Dear Mr. Bruce

My name is Andrew. I have been practicing projections by your book's techniques. Although I have not been to Astral Plane yet, I can successfully (and easily) project into Real Time space. Until recently I though I'm not doing all the right things (not enough energy, not enough relaxation, etc), and thus not able to keep my double long enough. But after I rid myself of the "host", and started getting massive attacks on me, I thought I'm being prevented to the entry into Astral.

This all happened in the past week. Much more importantly, yesterday I had a dream, out of which I suddenly woke up (I dont quite remember it). But realizing I'm fully relaxed, I made a double (which supprisingly to me, jet out of my body), and I found myself attached to this tentacle like being (of like an octopuss). I didnt really pay attention to it, and ripped myself off of it, and went to my parent's room, where under the bed was an astral entry point. As I stepped into it and began to shrink into it, the tentacle grabbed me, and threw me back into my body, and I woke up.

My divinations told me that this is some kind of opposition to me trying to develop myself. Please tell me, have you ever encountered anything like this, what do you think about it, and how to fight it?


Andrew Unguryan

Robert Bruce
2nd March 2010, 07:11 AM

The best way to counter this is with courage and affirmations.

Core Affirmation: “I am loved and I am worthy. I am safe and I am free. I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.”

This will help.

I also suggest you sleep grounded, see http://www.sleepingearthed.com

You also might like to try projecting in different locations. It may be something in the local environment.

One way around this is to shoot for the stars the moment you exit your body.

Also try lucid dreaming and WILD.
