View Full Version : Recurring dreams I remember having as a child.

19th February 2009, 12:41 AM
Im almost 19 years old, and to this day I still remember having these strange dreams as a child. 4-7 years old
I can even remember some of the imagery within them.

Any speculation from others would be appreciated, and if anyone has experienced anything like it before I'd be very curious to hear about it.

As a child I'd have these very vivid, realistic dreams that I didn't know what to make of.
With my current knowledge of astral projection and lucid dreaming I can make the assumption that it was likely one of the two.

The experiences/dreams consisted of being able to hear the sound of my heart beating in great detail, inside my ears, it wasn't a telepathic sound coming from nowhere
By detail I mean I could hear the blood swishing and sloshing to the beat of my heart.

The dreams setting was always my old house I use to live in, sometimes it was accurately represented, sometimes things were shifted around.
In the experience I would often be at the top, or middle of the stairs, leading to the basement.

I remember I could feel something trying to pull me down into the darkness of the basement, and the stronger the pull got the louder the swishing and sloshing got.
As a child I interpreted this as some type of boogie man or monster.

The "monster", which I never seen, never got a hold of me, I always managed to jolt myself up the stairs if it started pulling me.
I'd often wake with a jolt to my body with these types of dreams. And ever since moving to a new house when I was 7-8 years old I never had them again.

I also had a couple very realistic paranormal experiences in that house in which I was laying in my bed and it would start shaking back and fourth violently.
I had this shaking of the bed happen once In the house I currently live in, but It hasn't happened for many years

Just thought i'd share. If anyone has any input, again, I greatly appreciate it.


Also, currently I have been having recurring dreams that take place in my highschool or elementary school I attended. They have been on-off randomly for I'd say over a year now.

19th February 2009, 07:33 AM
Also, currently I have been having recurring dreams that take place in my highschool or elementary school I attended. They have been on-off randomly for I'd say over a year now.

These are probably dreams about old issues. The places in dreams can serve as time markers of your life - the childhood home, the elementary and high school, towns you no longer live in, etc.

If you have unfinished "emotional residue" from that time - and who hasn't? - these dreams might try to bring it to the fore and assist in releasing it.

That's all I can guess without some more concrete examples.


19th February 2009, 09:57 AM
I had a couple of similar experiences as a child. Here's my take:

As a child I'd have these very vivid, realistic dreams that I didn't know what to make of.
With my current knowledge of astral projection and lucid dreaming I can make the assumption that it was likely one of the two.

Technically, it's considered an OBE if you remember the exit, however, if it's occurring in the real time zone, I generally consider it an OBE/ etheric projection. Really, I don't think it matters, they're pretty much the same thing in many respects.

The experiences/dreams consisted of being able to hear the sound of my heart beating in great detail, inside my ears, it wasn't a telepathic sound coming from nowhere
By detail I mean I could hear the blood swishing and sloshing to the beat of my heart.

I used to have this experience often and it bugged me as a child. I realise now that it created focus on the heart chakra that led to projections. If you try projecting consciously by focussing on the heart, you might see what I mean.

The dreams setting was always my old house I use to live in, sometimes it was accurately represented, sometimes things were shifted around.

Your childhood house as a dream setting is very common indeed, as are reality fluctuations.

In the experience I would often be at the top, or middle of the stairs, leading to the basement.

Going into the basement in a dream is going deep into the subconscious where we often push those things we're not comfortable dealing with in waking reality.

I remember I could feel something trying to pull me down into the darkness of the basement, and the stronger the pull got the louder the swishing and sloshing got.
As a child I interpreted this as some type of boogie man or monster.

It was very likely a thoughtform arising out of some type of anxiety or fear.

I also had a couple very realistic paranormal experiences in that house in which I was laying in my bed and it would start shaking back and fourth violently.
I had this shaking of the bed happen once In the house I currently live in, but It hasn't happened for many years

This happened to me quite often as a child, as it did my brother and sister. I believe now we were experiencing vibrations associated with conscious projection, however, there was also a bit of paranormal activity in the house in which I grew up, so it may have been something else.

Also, currently I have been having recurring dreams that take place in my highschool or elementary school I attended. They have been on-off randomly for I'd say over a year now.

School is a common setting. There's a lot of planning and deciding and understanding taking place while we dream. Our minds translate these into images we can understand. Since school is where we learnt many lessons/had things explained it is a common dream setting.

19th February 2009, 04:32 PM
Ah, thanks for your comments.

(Below happened in my current household)
I also remember 2-3 times I woke up in sleep paralysis and there was a black Gargoyle/demon figure shrouded in a black mist on my chest.
I could feel this pressure and the fear it was causing me, at this time in my life I didn't really believe or had looked into any types of OBE's
Before this I had had strong physical feeling OBE/Dreams occasionally/naturally and If something threatening would come up I would try to punch it with my fist.
Although with the paralysis I couldn't of course, But the urge I had in these experiences was so powerful,
a few times I woke up with my fist in in mid-thrust and I'd end up hitting the wall besides my bed with significant force, enough to shake stuff hanging on the wall.

19th February 2009, 05:11 PM

19th February 2009, 05:34 PM
You got that spot-on.
I'm in the process of trying to plan, and, to attend college.
but my patience when waiting for something as drastic as this has its underlying stresses on me, even though I reassure myself everything is normal and okay.
The current state of the U.S. economy doesn't help with my future planning either.

22nd February 2009, 09:43 AM
I also remember 2-3 times I woke up in sleep paralysis and there was a black Gargoyle/demon figure shrouded in a black mist on my chest.

I wonder if this is the same little bugger I knew as a child. I fought mine when I became lucid in a dream once and it bit me with very sharp teeth. When I awoke I could feel the bite, such was the power of the dream. Afterwards, I never saw it again.