View Full Version : Obelisk/ spaceship ride to the stars

Neil Templar
18th February 2009, 10:46 AM
last night, i found myself in a dream environment that seemed more like a video game.
i was controlling a character, with some sort of hand held control pad.
he was jumping from platform to platform, swinging from ropes, etc.. very much like the old video games i played back in the day on my zx spectrum 48K computer. wow, showing my age now! :oops:
anyway, at one point, i was in a street, and my character was jumping around, then i made him build some big blocks into a rectangular structure on the ground.

beside it a small, one-man spacecraft appeared.
it looked like a typical "space invader" from the original game.
the little character continued building the structure with the blocks, and i stepped onto the space invader-craft.
next to me the little guy topped off his building with a pyramid shaped block.
at that moment, the space invader i was standing on, took off, shooting straight up into the sky.

beside me, the building that had been created, began to grow, straight upwards too.
we both shot up at incredible speed, me on my little "ship", and beside me, a growing obelisk. i noticed that it was silver, shining in the sunlight.
as we got higher and higher i had that familiar thought of "hey, if i was up here in "real life" i'd be scared of the height."
we shot up, through the clouds.
beside me the obelisk was growing at exactly the same rate as my ascent. i saw that there appeared to be two "pegs, near the top of it, like you'd see on a BMX bike, for standing on.
i decided to step over, onto the obelisk, for the rest of the journey.
i stood on the pegs, and watched the world get smaller beneath me.
as i looked down, i saw the countryside below, and to my surprise, it was one giant amusement park.
rollercoasters and water rides everywhere! :D

soon we were so high, we were leaving the atmosphere.
the air thinned out to nothing, and our ascent stopped.
the obelisk i was standing on was wobbling slowly from side to side with my weight on it.
with no fear of falling it was fun.

eventually, as nothing was happening, i decided to let myself fall back down.
i let go and fell backwards, down to earth i plummeted.
as i neared the ground i reached out with my hand, and even though i wasn't looking where i was reaching, i grabbed a statue of a lion that was in the street, and swung around and landed safely on my feet.

i looked back over to where the obelisk and spacecraft were, both back on the ground where they started from, and i had to climb back on for another go.. 8)
as i began to rise again, my girlfriend rolled over and woke me :x

18th February 2009, 01:30 PM
You're dreams are so fun!

Neil Templar
18th February 2009, 01:51 PM
this one was so cool!
it was interesting that i saw the whole world as one big amusement park.
i guess the message there is have fun while we're here on Earth! 8)
and, the sky isn't the limit! :wink:

18th February 2009, 02:07 PM
No doubt! :lol: Great outlook to have.

18th February 2009, 02:28 PM
Freud would have had fun with this - quite literally - immensely. ;) :D


Neil Templar
18th February 2009, 05:55 PM
hmmm... yeah, what would a Freudian interpretation of me hitching a ride on a growing obelisk (phallus?) to a point where i view the world as a play area, be? i wonder..

it really is an interesting one this. so many symbols of my childhood.
video games, space invaders, BMX...(these were very important pass-times for me when i was young! in fact, video games had a special significance - i grew up in a town which had a few arcade machines around the place, and i was good at them all. as a very shy kid i had little confidence in myself, but as it turned out i ended up teaching some of the "big boys" how to complete these games, and so earned some respect with the dudes i was previously scared of. that was a bit of a turning point for me, and it wasn't much later than that that i really started to have a little more confidence in myself)

i think there's a few levels of interpretation available...

i ascended from the Earth to the Heavens, looking down saw the playground that is Earth, and went back for another go.(reincarnation?)
the body i rode up on was a space invader (alien), could be a hint at a non human origin?
then i moved onto the obelisk... some hint at Egyptian knowledge? :?
maybe it's telling me to view life with the eyes of a child, and live life with the joy of a child at play?
in the beginning of the dream i was controlling another character, as if playing a video game... maybe i need to let the child in me have more control in my life?

could be all of the above! :P

whatever, it was such a fun experience. :D

18th February 2009, 08:40 PM
Maybe it represents how you felt as an insecure kid at the time in your life those symbols came into play.. does the same feeling today apply to anything that's going on currently or with certain people in your life? An insecurity about something or with someone..

18th February 2009, 08:50 PM
Maybe you have outgrown that childhood?


Neil Templar
18th February 2009, 10:16 PM
Maybe it represents how you felt as an insecure kid at the time in your life those symbols came into play.. does the same feeling today apply to anything that's going on currently or with certain people in your life? An insecurity about something or with someone..

hmmm.. possibly...

Maybe you have outgrown that childhood?


most definitely. :)

Neil Templar
22nd February 2009, 01:58 PM
yesterday, reading Monroe's Far Journeys, i saw this -
Time-space-physical matter-and especially human existence on earth-is an interesting anomaly.
It has some peculiar qualities that are unique in the development of intelligence and consciousness. As a result, human life has many attractions. To some it is like attending a vast amusement park with a multitude of different types of exciting rides to try-a playground where standard rules (non-earthly) are suspended for the moment. 8)