View Full Version : Charging tiger

17th February 2009, 08:04 AM
I was aware I was in the presence of a tiger, but I could not see it. It was dark.

Suddenly, a green light turned itself on. Then slightly more distant, another one. Then more distant, another one, and more, forming a path in the darkness made of areas of greenish light, vanishing into the distance. An alleyway of green light.

I stared into the distance, could not spot anything. Thought, "Damn nearsightedness!" Then I heard the roar. I saw the animal charging towards me, coming closer and closer, it was about to jump.

I thought "Enough with this nonsense!" and halted the dream. Or did I erect a force field? Something stopped the tiger, I don't remember how, if I suspended it or if I let it run into something or whatever.

Just as I was about to explore this I noticed that during the charge of the tiger an energy had shot up my body. As I stopped the tiger, the energy had stopped. It had reached the height of the top of my mouth. I could feel it there.

Then I woke up. Guess the realisation that this was connected with an energetic phenomenon and the puzzlement it produced was too much.

Well, I'm still puzzled about this. An energy surge represented to me as a charging, growling tiger? Was this just the representation of a body energetic phenomenon? The energy itself seemed no problem to handle.


17th February 2009, 04:38 PM
Maybe it's trying to tell you that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

17th February 2009, 04:46 PM
A tiger represents emotional volatility in my dream dictionary, so perhaps the energy surge is connected to an emotion you've been experiencing (or blocking) recently?

17th February 2009, 09:29 PM
Had some more thoughts on this.

So, I had an energy rush. And I have a context where a tiger in connection to energy makes sense:

I've learned a Qigong set called "Dragon & Tiger". The tiger is the animal associated with the liver in the five elements system. The liver is associated with anger and compassion, providing the strength both for fight but also for service. Its neutral aspect is the capability to do, it underlies action. The tiger is also the Yin or female aspect complementary to the dragon's Yang.

The tiger is especially marked for its "relaxed strength" - like all cats they can go from very relaxed to full force just like that. The dream came after the day before I worried about muscle tension.

Green is a color associated with healing and growth. A healing dream putting into images an ongoing self-healing activity?


PS - Wood element, growth and the color green are all associated with the liver, too.

17th February 2009, 09:48 PM
Well then, it sounds like the pieces are falling into place. And I'm glad that the dream seems to be a positive sign of healing/encouragement.

17th February 2009, 10:10 PM
Yeah, but why such a seemingly scary picture? *puzzled*


17th February 2009, 10:17 PM
To give you an opportunity to overcome your fear? Which you did.

17th February 2009, 10:32 PM
