View Full Version : dreamed about you

16th February 2009, 10:05 AM
I had a dream about many people from AD. In it I was amoung gods and goddesses, but I was just a flawed human. I wish to be honest.

I talk a lot, spouting thoughts about this or that like I know it all. Sometimes I make sense and am insightfull. I do not wish to appear to be more than I am. I asked to know everything, so I was given wisdom, and truth has freed me. I believe what I say, but I dont consider myself very accomplished. Im not in controll of my thoughts. Im not enlightened. Fire nolonger breath from my lips. If God isnt speaking then why should I open my mouth?

16th February 2009, 12:52 PM
I had a dream about many people from AD.
Oooo, was I in there? ;) And who from AD was what god? :D

Seeking knowledge is journey, just keep walking an experience. :D

Neil Templar
16th February 2009, 01:20 PM
can you describe how any of us appeared to you?

16th February 2009, 02:57 PM
We love you too.
I'm afraid to ask which one I was.

16th February 2009, 08:01 PM
:lol: I used to do this on another forum. I used to go to bed thinking, I wonder what so-and so looks like, and end up with an astral party. Somehow we were always round a swimming pool enjoying everyone's company...now what if we all organized an astral meet up...hehe

16th February 2009, 10:22 PM
We love you too.
I'm afraid to ask which one I was.
:) Ditto.

16th February 2009, 10:55 PM
We love you too.
I'm afraid to ask which one I was.
:) Ditto.

Aww, c'mon now. What's the worst it could be? :P

16th February 2009, 11:37 PM
The TV version of Hera comes to mind. You know, the evil bitchy one that was in the Hercules series? Or someone worse. :D

17th February 2009, 05:22 AM
Well, the thing that comes to my mind is actually Nanny Ogg from Terry Pratchett's Diskworld series. Not exactly a goddess, but close enough:


Or maybe Venus of Willendorf:


17th February 2009, 07:55 AM
I had a dream about many people from AD. In it I was amoung gods and goddesses, but I was just a flawed human. I wish to be honest.

Seems like a self-esteem issue.


17th February 2009, 12:05 PM
Seems like a self-esteem issue.
On a totally serious note, I agree with this.

17th February 2009, 12:40 PM
Seems like a self-esteem issue.
On a totally serious note, I agree with this.
Indeed. :)

17th February 2009, 12:43 PM
Some religious traditions seem to suggest a way of self-denial, of denigrating or lowering oneself and giving oneself up for others. This seems paradoxical, since God loves us all the same IMO, so why would God want any of us to be less than others?

I like the Buddhist idea of equanimity. Treating everybody with the same benevolence, including yourself. Some practices project this outward, like seeing everyone you meet already as an enlightened Buddha. But that always includes yourself, else you are not equanimous towards all beings.

This sounds like a principle to me that embodies love best. Love others and love yourself. Both is necessary and right. So if everybody is a god or goddess...


18th February 2009, 04:03 PM

18th February 2009, 04:57 PM
although, knowing everything isn't exactly wisdom. i've had like uploads and downloads from 'spirit'. stuff that it seemed as if i now knew. but, in time, i saw that it isn't wisdom.

Yes, I believe you're exactly right. Knowledge is just an object, a tool. Wisdom is knowing how to use that tool and having compassion makes sure that you are using it for the greater good. Of the three, I would say compassion is the only one that is truly important.