View Full Version : Energy Stimulation Causing Pops in wall.
14th February 2009, 06:34 PM
Hello! I've been reading these forums for the last few years now. I just registered because I needed to create topic dealing with popping noises that occur during meditation, energy raising, etc. After reading a few posts on the subject I see there is a debate between people who think its an everyday occurrence or astral noises, and those who believe it is energy. From my experiences I can assure you that it is extremely probable that energy is playing the role in causing noises in the room. I never go a session without hearing it. I rarely hear anything when i just want to go to sleep. The smoking gun is the fact that my MP3 player often sends out a noise that i can only describe as BLEEP! Not loud, but it usually follows a thought. I've been trying to have an OBE but I'm bad at trance work. I've never been in a trance before =( Therefore I know its not from a result of trancing. I promise you, it's not something wrong with the headphones or the music. I've rewinded the music just to prove it to myself. Popping in the walls is one thing, but sending blasts of energy out my ears causing a split second disruption in the music is kinda scary. I do think that i'm mentally unstable to some degree. I believe I have Asperger's syndrome (self diagnosis) and i wanted to know if you guys think these two things relate to the above phenomenon. Thanks.
14th February 2009, 06:51 PM
I agree about the energy, I observe something similar. It's like the more deeply I get into an energy work session the bigger the radius of things affected by me. It was outright silly how often certain sounds in my old apartment coincided with energy work or meditation and I still denied any connection.
I'm also sure you actually experience trance, even if only light trance, and just don't recognise it.
16th February 2009, 11:17 AM
yeah, i think we can be largely unaware of just how influencial our auras can be. AstralMord, I have self diagnosed myself as being (mildly) Aspergers too, personally I dont think it's related to what you hear during meditation. I think Aspergers is just another form of energy that can be remedied when you combine appropriate energy work, introspection, and consciously attempting to study psychology, social graces etc. it dosent have to be such a bad thing and you can end up learning alot through this process. what makes you think you are?
16th February 2009, 04:52 PM
Make sure your lower chakras are functioning well and that you are properly grounded when you do your energy work/meditation if the side effects are unpleasant (like you are blowing out nearby light bulbs/electrical circuits).
When I first moved to Montreal last August, every single night that I would walk down my street, at least 2 or 3 street lamps would burn out as I walked under them. This happened every night (to different street lamps) for 2 or 3 months. And I had to change pretty much all the light bulbs in the apartment at least twice in that time (of course, I blamed it on the cheap light bulbs I bought, but now the same kind have lasted at least twice that long).
Looking back, I can see that I was feeling so ungrounded and was having difficulty with my lower chakras (and the organs that they affect), especially the root chakra (it's no wonder, since I felt uprooted and was having trouble establishing myself in a new place). An aura reader told me at the time that my energy was stagnant and the entire area around my first two chakras was gray and lifeless.
Gradually, the symptoms went away as I felt more settled and began to get my apartment all fixed up (I'm such a homebody, I don't feel right if I don't have a comfortable 'base'). I don't blow out street lamps anymore...darn, I was hoping I could make money off my 'talent' or at least impress my friends, lol. I'm glad I don't have to walk home in the pitch dark anymore, though.
16th February 2009, 11:35 PM
I always thought that energy work and meditation attracted motorcylists and gear-heads with loud music systems and even louder engines. I will prove this theory some day. :wink:
16th February 2009, 11:47 PM
You can create a poll in the Out of Topic Forum.
17th February 2009, 05:01 AM
I always thought that energy work and meditation attracted motorcylists and gear-heads with loud music systems and even louder engines.
In our neighborhood it causes dogs to bark and cats to hiss at random things outside the windows, and sometimes it causes children to get out of bed repeatedly to ask inane things.
17th February 2009, 05:04 AM
I always thought that energy work and meditation attracted motorcylists and gear-heads with loud music systems and even louder engines.
In our neighborhood it causes dogs to bark and cats to hiss at random things outside the windows, and sometimes it causes children to get out of bed repeatedly to ask inane things.
In my neighborhood it causes my roommate to start playing guitar or doing something on the computer that is distracting, and/or causes the neighbors to start playing their music SUPER LOUD so that everyone can enjoy it.
It's actually somewhat amusing on some level how things will just pop up out of nowhere to distract you when you sit down to meditate. Silly subconscious manifestations. :P
17th February 2009, 01:31 PM
You forgot how people all of a sudden remember they haven't called you all day and decide to do it then.
17th February 2009, 02:58 PM
Don't give his subconscious suggestions! :x :wink:
19th February 2009, 12:06 AM
meditating usually casues me to have to go to potty.
19th February 2009, 05:09 PM
and sometimes it causes children to get out of bed repeatedly to ask inane things.
lol :lol:
27th February 2009, 02:49 AM
how does one self diagnose for aspergers syndrome?
27th February 2009, 03:20 AM
how does one self diagnose for aspergers syndrome?
Here's one very small start:
It's not actually difficult to diagnose AS. There are some extremely obvious signs of it, and once you know what those are, it's quite straightforward. It's not like there's a blood test or some sort of x-ray that can determine AS. It's all based on observation and behavioural cues.
27th February 2009, 01:28 PM
Yes, poping sounds out of the floor, furniture during energy work and meditation. I think it could be some entities. I need to experiment with banishing rituals. But I don't get disturbed by the sounds anymore.
27th February 2009, 06:52 PM
meditating usually casues me to have to go to potty.
Have a small amount of coffee first, not enough to make you twitchy though. It should push everyhting out of you beforehand. Helps me anyway.
- Deuces
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