View Full Version : recurring dream

12th February 2009, 08:56 AM
For 3 nights I've had similar-themed dreams, about creatures joined together at the waist by lengths of rope/twine. The first featured 2 "straw puppets" (very detailed, beautifully constructed human figures, made of thin strips of hollow wood-tubes,& fully jointed) who had smaller "children" figures attached to them on the end of the twine, "for mountian climbing". I tried to untie the figures of the children, as I felt the woman should have a male child tied to her, & the man a female child tied to him, but I could not get the knot undone. There was also a beautiful spider puppet.

The second dream featured people standing (sadly) in a queue, all tied together at the waist; and the third dream showed two astronaut type figures in suits, also tethered together at the waist, floating in space.

Has anyone any idea what this could be trying to tell me? I'm puzzled. . . that we're all connected? That we're all tying each other down? I seem to have a mental block here.

Namaste all

12th February 2009, 09:37 AM
I would say it's about emotional ties with oters. Especially being tied around the waist. That makes me think of the solar plexus chakra. It governs emotions.

Also, being tied at the wrist. We take our pulse at the wrist. Could be something about the heart and people you love.

12th February 2009, 10:19 AM
I tried to untie the figures of the children, as I felt the woman should have a male child tied to her, & the man a female child tied to him, but I could not get the knot undone.

I recently read the Seth material about sexual roles and identification with sex, and the roles that society forces upon us.

Maybe you tried to express that in some way men need to grow their female aspects (female child, grown man) and vice versa for women (male child, grown woman). The knot might be a blockage. A mental blockage, a limiting belief. Either you could not overcome the role, or have a hard time to overcome the role, or you fighting society's windmills to help it overcome its immaturity governing relationships - male/female, within and without ourselves.

Puppets are projections. We project our feelings on them. They are models, but also generic. They are made, creations. To be somebody's puppet means to be made to do something, conform to someone else's wishes. That's how puppets can represent our roles in society, and we always fulfill many of them, willingly and unwillingly.

We are always interconnected, bound in a web of relations, sometimes we enjoy this, sometimes we want to break free. Maybe you are asking yourself how you can break free of society's conventions without breaking off the contact with others? Social contact can bring nourishment, but also limits. But look at the astronauts - they are ultimately free. Space is freedom. But they still remain connection.

So, I guess this is about how freedom relates to connection, personal identity as defined in being different versus union as defined by being one with others. Seems like you try to rebalance this and make find your own balance about this.

Just my guesses, of course. :)

Take care,

12th February 2009, 10:49 AM
Wow, thanks that was an awesome interpretation, I'll meditate on it tonight, it sounds very right so far! Thanks!