View Full Version : NEW Practice makes others uncomfortable?

11th February 2009, 07:45 AM

I've had my own thoughts regarding this, and I own all of your collective works. But I wanted to get your impression here. If my girlfriend who I live with is in my immediate vicinity while I practice NEW, she suddenly begins to feel ill or have bad feelings. She is very sensitive energetically I find, but does not practice any meditation or energy work. What could be behind this?


Robert Bruce
2nd March 2010, 06:51 AM

When you are bonded to someone, your energy bodies affect each other strongly. What you do to yourself, will affect your partner.

If your partner did energy work, it would affect you.

Your friend's symptoms would probably ease if she did some basic energy work and meditation occasionally.

This is something you will have to work through and experiment with to find solutions.
