View Full Version : No sensation at all

11th February 2009, 07:10 AM
I know this is probably addressed somewhere on this forum; but I just don't see it.
I was wondering if someone could advise me, because I am on the third day of the program and I feel nothing, no swelling, no movement, maybe just a little tingling when brushing,
total zero when sponging. And I also cannot remember any of my dreams. Am I completely blocked and utterly doomed from this experience?

The book at times mentions clearing, like clearing the blocks of energy. How does that work? I don't think it means EFT... Also is that possible to have blocked fingers and toes?
I would appreciate any suggestions..

11th February 2009, 07:17 AM
Yeah, your fingers and toes can be blocked. My humble advice is to go over the first part, the body awareness and tactile imaging, a few more times. If that doesn't help, keep trying the energy work for a few more days to see if you develop sensations. Good luck!


11th February 2009, 08:19 AM
Actually, if EFT works for you then you can use it. There are many techniques to work with energy, use what works for you.

If you feel a little tingling when brushing, then you actually feel something. Try this in many locations of your body. Where is it strongest, where is it weakest? How does it feel? Are there other sensations? Vary it a bit, be creative, experiment - does the result change? Experiment, play, enjoy! Energy work should be an interesting experience where you rediscover your energy body, reconnect to how you feel and experience things.

I don't think anyone is "doomed" from having an OBE or a lucid dream. Every person is different, and requires a different amount of time to get there. Also every person has different problems to solve.

If you have problems with recalling dreams, then you need to tackle this problem, too. Start a dream journal, inspect your beliefs about dreams, read about dream interpretation. If you are not interested in the nature of dreams, if you do not write them down, if you do not try to interpret them, if you do not deem them important, then indeed be not surprised if you don't remember them. Your beliefs, expectations, what you think is important and what is not, determines what you experience, recall and so on. Try to invest some time and effort into your dreams, and you might start to recall them again.

Take care,

11th February 2009, 05:23 PM
Day three of the program is too soon to think you've got problems. Recalling dreams and such doesn't happen in three days either. It's a gradual thing, it'll get better. Just follow the directions and do the assignments, even if it seems you're not getting results.
Like Korpo said, tingling is perfectly fine, and hands and feet are usually the more sensitive parts, so don't be surprised to find that sensations vary with body part and day you're doing it.

12th February 2009, 06:31 AM
Thank you everybody for your responses-
Besides Mastering Astral Projection I started reading Energy Work by R. Bruce and feel like it's very helpful, I already feel greater sensation just by doing more exercises. Still no throbbing though, just tingling..
Again, thank you guys for your feedback.