View Full Version : anima/animus dreams

9th February 2009, 07:03 PM
Hi forumsters.
I keep dreaming of men. for about 3 years now. I don't know them, never seen them before in RL. we have this thing going, we help each other, they give me gifts, I give them gifts...I thought it be my animuses(there are 3 men reoccuring) one is a strong courageous dark haired loving warm man, one is blonde, dresses in white and loves attention from all the ladies and likes to win, and one is moody agressive likes a drink and familiar with the darkside and has a pet tiger. I meet them all regularly but not planned. The moody agressive one I strangulated one night but he returned the next day acting goofy, then he became my friend and gives me gifts, that turn out to be psychic gifts(he gave me a lemsip one night, and i got a cold a couple of days later) :lol: but not always, he shape shifts, acting as famous people, sometimes he bites me and sometimes i bite him :? i try to heal him and i give him things. the very nice loving one is loving and we hold hands and are very intimate and sends me flowers. I must admit I have become baffled by these men and I have realized maybe they are my animuses, but there is one thing that I just cannot fathom out. two of them have been locked up (apparently they were superhuman gods that needed specialist care and took many specialist nurses and astral FBI to subdue) and i'm wondering whether these animuses are in fact my animuses or whether there is something else very astrally strange going on down here. I mean, I gave one a shiatsu treatment on the heart/small intestine meridian, and I pressed one point on his left shoulder and he went banana's at me, 'don't you ever do that again' he said 'it's still sore' ...well thats not me i don't have a sore left shoulder, but anyway i don't really know but the other night the moody one lost his keys, and he asked me for help, so i had them and gave him some keys.. :D glad to be of help...

Is this my animuses or am I way off here?

9th February 2009, 08:14 PM
Anyway, the other night I was told we were going to a knife throwing contest which was called a ,'Shanti and a Shakti' so I set off in a jeep to the red sea, only to find myself in custody, a Eastern lawyer was there representing me, (i don't know what I'd done, because i didn't go to no knife throwing contest) I just ended up in an egyptian hotel room, with the lawyer in the corner, and me and nice loving dark haired animus was there, and we were :wink: in the bed and I bit him on the neck department , then I woke up

I looked up both words and they are hindu/sanskrit, for inner peace/enlightenment, and the Goddess energy....but I would have thought If I'm making out with my animus it would have been God/masculine energy and not Goddess energy would it not?

9th February 2009, 08:21 PM
For some reason it seems to me that the number three in your dream is significant- it usually means some sort of transmutation/evolution happening. I haven't been able to take a deeper look at it, but my thought instead of 'animus' or 'anima' in the sense of gender identification, that psychopomp would be the phenomenon to look at. Since you're well versed on the meanings of what I'm talking about I'm sure you'll figure it out- but for now I have to leave you.

9th February 2009, 09:08 PM
CF, never heard of psychopomp...just looked it up. Nice one, Thanks. Sounds more like it :)