View Full Version : Chocolate That Makes You Psychic

6th February 2009, 10:03 AM
I dreamed that I was walking down the street in the town I grew up in. I went into a store that sold all kinds of goodies; specialty chocolates and pastries, etc. (It wasn’t there when I was a kid.) There was a sale on holiday chocolates because it was the day after a big holiday, not sure if it was Christmas or Easter.

I was putting chocolate in my shopping basket when I overheard some people talking about how these chocolates made people psychic. Someone was talking about the candy for mediumship and they were saying that they were scared to try that one. I went over to them and told them that being a medium isn’t scary at all. They were concerned that they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between talking to people that were alive and people that were dead, like they wouldn’t know who is who anymore. I told them that it was easy to tell the difference, then went on to describe the difference to them.

Then I filled my basket with the candy for mediumship, just in case. (Just in case of what, I don’t know.)

6th February 2009, 11:20 AM
Sounds like a message that indeed you are embracing this more and more within you. ("Something yummy for the tummy" => guts, intuitive values.)

You explicitly showed yourself how ready you felt for this by taking the chocolate, and not only being unimpressed by the worries of others, but even educating them.


6th February 2009, 01:39 PM
Here's another take: Even though physically the store wasn't there in your childhood, something was (like a gateway) and you connected with it. I wouldn't be surprised it was a projection and you did indeed receive some sort of ability (or acknowledge what you already have) and are ok with it now, when maybe you wouldn't have been as a youngster when you first connected with this energy.

7th February 2009, 08:28 AM
I was relieved to see that being ok with this has finally sunk in on a subconcious level. That took a long time.

This sort of thing is common on my dad's side of the family.

22nd March 2009, 08:05 AM
I just wanted to add that dead people have been showing up in the readings I'm giving lately. The feedback from the most recent one was pretty funny.

I saw a man who appeared to me like Dopey from Snow White. I saw that he worked in a factory around machinery, wore overalls, smiled a lot. Turned out to be the lady's grandfather. He worked in a steel plant with machinery, wore overalls, smiled all the time. He had big ears that stuck out and all his family called him Dumbo.