View Full Version : advanced spirit being dream

solo devilman
5th February 2009, 05:02 PM
in my dream i was sitting in a chair,in a room made of bright white light with me in the room was this christ like being,he had long dark hair and beard,wareing a white robe with golde trim and it had a hood, brilliant white light came out of his face and body, he was crafting something in front of me useing tools and puting peces together. at first i had no idea what he was making,the colers in this dream were ultra vibrant and clear,eventualy it tured out to be a golden box decorated with dimonds and rubys and other preshous stones, and the box he was making was on my head it had a door with a hinge and when he was finished he looked me in the eyes with a exspreshon of love i could not describe and closed the door of the box on me,leaving me with this box on my head in the box it was dark and there were negs in there with me,and i was shooting lightning bolts out my hands at the negs and defeating them....... what on earh does this mean?