View Full Version : Buliding a house.

Neil Templar
4th February 2009, 12:39 PM
this was this morning, and seemed to follow on from my earlier dream "cheating girlfriend"..

it began with me again "waking up". this time i was in a different country (Ireland).
my girlfriend was there, i was confused as to how i'd got there. she was amused by this.
(she's actually not from Ireland BTW)
we were on the coast, we walked up the beach a little, and we met her Mother.(i've never met her any of her family before)
she was as surprised as i was, to be meeting unexpectedly.
we all went to their family home, where i met many other family members.
it turned out that the whole family was involved in a building business, and i had a long chat with Z's brother, we got on well.

once again i was walking along the beach with Z and her mum, when we saw a wild donkey, eating grass.
then a rabbit came over to us and her mum picked it up and stroked it for a while.

later i was at the village pub, meeting yet more family members, when one of them, a guy, shook my hand.
he proceeded to waggle his fingers, in a kind of "masonic handshake" way.
i responded with what was obviously not the correct handshake.
we spend a few minutes laughing and shaking hands in more ridiculous masonic handshakes, making them up as we went.
everyone was laughing, the atmosphere was very friendly.

Z's father gave me a gift - the family car, a land rover, navy blue colour.
next followed a movie-like montage of shots of me driving the landrover all over the beach and crashing into stone walls, much to the enjoyment of everyone watching! :lol:

next i found myself in the attic of a large house, looking down, as the entire family was helping to build the house.
kids, wives, everyone.
Z's brother was there, and i noticed his hands, his fingers were huge and worn with so much working with wood and stone.
it was a very happy time, everyone laughing and having fun.
one of my best friends was there too, helping put the final piece in place. :D

4th February 2009, 12:47 PM
Is any of these guys her real family as far as you can tell? You said you never met them before, but maybe on fotos?


Neil Templar
4th February 2009, 02:17 PM
never seen a photo or anything.
i'll ask her to describe them to me later.

Neil Templar
4th February 2009, 05:59 PM
hmmm.. seems none of the family look anything like they did in this dream.