View Full Version : Cheating girlfriend. a test?

Neil Templar
4th February 2009, 11:13 AM
this morning i was involved in a dream, with my girlfriend, Z,we were back in my home town in Scotland, there were many of my friends there, from home and from my life in Amsterdam.
we all went to a party at a local bar, all was going well.
suddenly i blacked out. the dream stopped and disappeared.
i was in blackness for a second, then abruptly it continued, and in it i felt like i had just woken up.
i was in the same bar, but the people inside were all different, almost none of them i recognized.
i looked around for my Z, and couldn't see her. i thought this strange cos i know in "real life" she would never leave me asleep with a bunch of strangers around.
i got up and took a walk around the rooms of the bar, but couldn't see her anywhere.
i noticed that everyone there was watching my every move. it felt like they all knew something i didn't.
i still couldn't find Z, so i asked a couple who were sitting on the floor, if they had seen her.
the guy kind of smirked a knowing laugh to himself, then shouted something and looked at the other end of the bar.
i saw a corridor, and at the end was a door. the door opened, and i saw Z appear, and she said "i've got company" to whoever was inside the room.
i knew something wasn't right here.
she came out to me, and i saw a guilty look in her eyes.
i asked what she'd been doing in there, i felt like she'd been cheating on me with some guy.
she wouldn't tell me anything.
for a while, she just walked from room to room, and i tried to keep up, but it was busy with people, so i often lost sight of her, only to find her in another room talking with people i didn't know.
each time i would catch up i'd ask what she'd been doing in the room.
eventually she told me that they had been playing a game of electrocuting themselves by putting their fingers into broken electrical appliances, that were plugged into sockets in the walls.
this seemed ridiculous to me, as i knew she'd be dead or at least a bit shaken by such an experience.
i asked again, what had she really been doing.
again she told me the story.
i didn't believe her for a second, and the look on her face showed she was clearly lying to me.
we were standing in a doorway, between two rooms, when another guy came along.
she said if i don't believe her, i should ask him about it.
so i did.
he exchanged a glance with her.
he said yes they'd been electrocuting themselves.
then i asked a few more questions, and he seemed unsure of the answers, eventually he gave it away by saying that they had just put their fingers straight into the wall, and i knew she had said something different.
i looked at her, and a sly grin came over her face.
"hah! you're both lying!" i said to them, and as i did, her face changed, i saw stubble on her chin appear, and she turned into a male.
it hadn't been her all along, but someone made to look like her.
with this realization, the two of them faded, along with the room, and i felt myself move backwards away from the dream scene.
i found myself fully conscious, in blackness.
i was in my physical body, i could feel it, asleep, but my mind was as alert and awake as it's ever been.
i could feel Z lying beside me, breathing.
i tried to move out of my body, rolling did nothing. i tried to "see" through my eyelids, nothing.
then for the first time i thought "rope! that's what CF would do!" :)
so i tried visualising the rope, but nothing was having any affect.
i lay there for a minute or two, just enjoying the calm feeling of being asleep and awake, then Z moved, and woke up, so i woke myself up and told her about it.

4th February 2009, 11:26 AM
Maybe this was a lesson / simulation about dream inconsistencies and/or trusting your gut feeling?

One typical reaction in dreams of losing lucidity is accepting explanations that don't make sense, or follow a limited logic. But you kept your state of mind, your memory, you didn't get distracted.


Neil Templar
4th February 2009, 02:59 PM
Maybe this was a lesson / simulation about dream inconsistencies and/or trusting your gut feeling?

yeah i think so.

One typical reaction in dreams of losing lucidity is accepting explanations that don't make sense, or follow a limited logic. But you kept your state of mind, your memory, you didn't get distracted.

:D Yay me!