View Full Version : A bully, an uncle...

20th January 2009, 07:49 AM
The dream fragment I remember most vividly was about a bully. Somebody introduced me to him, and cautioned me. I tried to be friendly, but no matter what I did, the bully took offense and started to threaten me, which got me apologising and backing down, until finally I fell silent, and I think I withdrew or asked someone to intervene. I then realised that the bully had taken any smile or attempt to be friendly as belittling or making fun of him. What a sad, aggressive creature. I really had no ill will against him.

This dream came after the day before at work in the lunch break I mentioned a bully from my youth. He was on the small side, but he turned into a real psycho later on - someone who does not back down on anyone, challenges people, gets totally berserk and does not stop when people are down.

I guess the location of the dream seemed like a schoolyard. I also remember dreaming about a couple of girls I went to school with. Maybe they were in this scene, too. I don't remember.

The other one was about my uncle. My uncle is a real grump-meister, but he also can be very funny. In this dream he was affectionate, and I hugged him and even kissed him on the cheek, which was weird and I usually don't do that. But for some reason I wanted to show how glad I was he was there.
