View Full Version : Negative Happenings

15th January 2009, 05:26 PM
Hi Robert,

For what seems like a while now I am having frequent disturbing dreams and sleepless nights which led me to believe that I may be under some form of psychic attack. These negative dreams often place me in situations where I seem to be driven over the edge of sanity. I often seem to be acting out-of-character in these dreams, i.e. I seem to be in a drunken, aggressive and paranoid state. In reality I would consider myself to be a good-natured person, a pacifist if you will. It's got to the point now where I don't like dreaming because something unsavoury always happens. I used to love going to bed in the past as I have had conscious OBE experiences. Now I can no longer achieve these because of my sleepless nights and negative dreaming.

These dreams almost always involve a particular bar that I have been to many times. I admit that I enjoy a drink, but I wouldn’t say I have a problem with alcohol as I do not depend on it every day and I do not always go to this bar. I don't even particularly enjoy going there as much as I used to since this ordeal.

In one dream I was in this bar with family and friends. For whatever reason I began to feel uneasy to the point where I felt like I couldn’t trust anyone or anything -- I needed to leave. My sanity began to melt away and I went on an aimless wonder around the block not even knowing why. To my horror I realised that I have actually done this in real life -- I was actually going over the edge and I did go on an aimless wonder around, and at one point I knocked on my aunt's landlord's door asking where she was even though it occurred to me that I had left her in the bar. (!?)

A negative dream experience happened last night whereby I was paranoid and uneasy in the bar. I had a confrontation with the bar manager, (I'll call 'L'), because I walked in smoking (forgetting about the smoking ban). He grabbed the cigarette off me and told me to leave. I protested against leaving and became very aggressive. This was a horrible ordeal - not exactly a dream I wanted to have. In real life I have had a slight confrontation with him over going out for a cigarette after hours - but nothing to this extreme.

L in real life is a deeply negative person. Many people find themselves disliking him even though they have no idea why. You know that expression - "a face you just want to punch?" Well unfortunately this man fits the bill perfectly. I find myself having out-of-character thoughts of hatred towards this individual and this has obviously manifested in my dreams.

Just recently I was talking to my dad in the bar about him while he was just a few feet away, telling him he had the "personality of a dustbin" (Why this came out I have no idea!) I'm sure he must have heard me saying this.

The bar once held a "Psychic Medium" event to which my mother and I attended with the hope of communicating with my uncle who recently passed away. However, L also attended this event and his presence notably made the two psychic mediums feel uneasy. The mediums frequently struggled to get any messages through. It seems he is an energy vampire of some sort or possibly has a negative entity attachment. I don’t know.

Do you think this person may have a negative entity attachment? Do you think I have upset this entity in some way hence I am being attacked in my dreams? Have I got a negative entity attachment? ...Or am I completely losing the plot and should seek immediate medial help? I don’t know!

I am not enjoying life very much these days and problems like these just make things worse.

"I'm stuck in a rut and I want out".

I hope I've explained this for you well Robert, it's a difficult one for me to get my head round.

Many thanks,


Robert Bruce
2nd March 2010, 05:33 AM
G'day Ricko,

This type of dream happens for a reason.

These dreams are telling you to stay away from this bar and to stop drinking.

You may not think you are an alcoholic now, but these dreams are warning you that you will become one if you do not take positive action.

L may or may not be controlled. But he works in this bar and so it is best avoided.

If you crave alcohol and tobacco, I suggest a course of affirmations to help you remove these things from your life.
