View Full Version : Questions Concerning NEW

12th January 2009, 03:45 AM
Hey all,

I'm sure there is no one answer to my question as everyone I imagine is very different both physically and bio energetically.

I'm on day 4 and I'm having some trouble with the NEW methods of stimulation (I had AD so this is what I'm going to refer to it as)

I expect to feel the movement and simulations but I tend to end up imagining feeling them not literally feeling them. (Almost like im trying to make an imagined double feel them) And I have not yet gotten any real sensations other than some very light warming and tingling sensations.

Am I literally supposed to be physically feeling these or should it be more of the energy movements that I should be feeling not the action itself?


12th January 2009, 04:19 AM
You are creating energy movements by imagining the actions like stirring and brushing as if you were feeling them. That's why the idea is to use common tactile movements that you won't have to think about very much to re-create.

12th January 2009, 09:26 AM
I feel the energies moving, but it is also a very physical sensation. Your body is a conduit for energy, and you can feel it. Looking back, I only before did not make that connection. But the feelings were with me before.

In the beginning the sensations were very light, but over time they became more and more pronounced. Energy work revitalises the nerves deeper and deeper in your body, so over time you will feel more of what is going on. And regular application of tactile imaging skills will improve those skills for feeling and moving energy as well.

If you did not feel anything, you did not do the exercise right. A tingle, a tickle, a pulsing, sometimes even an itch - that may be how it starts. Irritated energy is easier to feel, that's why.

Visualising can help, and I had a visualisation at first to help me, too, but I really nowadays only focus on feeling the energy.

Take care,

23rd January 2009, 03:37 AM

I have a limited time to reply, but I have been getting sensations that usually cease when I get up or move the limb. Also I find it hard not to visualize anything. And when I do the motions I find my eyes tend to mimic the motion through closed lids.


23rd January 2009, 08:34 AM
You can of course visualise. Just have the feeling, too.

When I started with mobile awareness I had a picture in my mind - I could see an old-fashioned anatomy chart of the human body, and where my awareness was right now looked like the red dot of a laser pointer. So I moved this dot around with my mind, and I got energy work results.

Or when I learned sponging I visualised my body to be made of glass, but hollow, and visualised a sponge inside, moving around. That worked very well, too.

I moved my eyes with my energy work actions for a very long time.

So, visualisations are okay, moving the eyes is okay, but you do need to be also aware of the sensations.

Take care,