View Full Version : My husband and a deer

9th January 2009, 06:56 PM
I had this dream Jan 1st and I'm still having a hard time shaking it...

I had a dream that my husband had shot a deer. He dragged it out of his truck to the floor of my father’s auto body shop he used to own. He was mortally injured himself and after dragging the deer to the floor he collapsed beside it. I laid down in between my husband and the deer and held him and told him I loved him. The deer wasn’t quite dead and she spoke to me telepathically that I had to end my husband’s life so he wouldn’t suffer any longer as he was in terrible pain. I had a hard time accepting that was something I must do. I hugged my husband and the deer as long as I could. The deer kept telling me I had to release him from his pain. I told my husband that I would be with him very soon and not to worry, you won’t be in pain any longer. I took the gun from my husband’s hand and fired it in the side of his head. Then he was gone! Unbelieveable the amount of grief I felt after I shot him! Horrified I stumbled through the next couple of days so grief-stricken that I could barely function and no idea how I was going to go about living this way.. contemplating suicide myself and then I woke up.

Any insights aside from Deer meaning someone "dear" to me?

9th January 2009, 07:07 PM
First of all, :shock:
Now that's out of the way, this is how I'd interpret it:
First, the deer:

To see a deer in your dream, symbolizes grace, gentleness, and natural beauty. It has feminine qualities and may point to the feminine aspect within yourself. It also represents independence and virility. Consider the symbol to be a pun for someone who is "dear" to you.

If the deer is black, then it means that you are not acknowledging or are rejected the feminine qualities in you. You may not be in tune with your feminine side.

To dream that you kill a dear, suggests that you are trying to suppress those feminine qualities.

I would say your husband symbolizes a part of yourself, the masculine 'take charge' part of you, that shot the deer and by doing so ended up mortally injured. So I'd see this as your past attempt at killing (or suppressing) your feminine nurturing side (have you had to be rough 'tough love' lately?) And the loss you felt at doing it made you so distraught that you then have suppressed (eliminated, transcended) the part of you that you had to put forward, to be 'back as you were'. But deep down you know that you can't be how you used to be, that some sort of change has happened that can't be turned back.
That's how I'd interpret it.

9th January 2009, 08:59 PM
Thank you CF. No I haven’t had to be that tough on him – enough to shoot him in the head anyway! Lol

Very strange though.. 2 days after I had this dream he ruptured a disc in his back and he’s been a wreck since. Do you think it may have been an indicator that something was going to change him? (I didn’t shoot him in the back either :lol: )

Me I’m always up for changing myself, have been working on that transformation for a long time now, though it sure seems to me it could go either way maybe..

This dream freaked me out. When I was younger I used to have really good dream recall, then it seemed I was having dreams like this one too often and found it very disturbing to the point of making myself NOT remember my dreams until recently.

10th January 2009, 01:38 AM

10th January 2009, 03:05 AM
It may as well have been precognitive- I don't tend to interpret dreams that way because I don't have a precog bone in my body. :D

12th January 2009, 01:17 AM
dunno how to interpret the dream. but, i think the severity of the dream may be interpreted minimally into your life.

as CFT indicates, pretty much the deer symbolizes gentleness.

i rather imagine the dream was a premonition of your husbands upcoming injury. also with an urging reminder to stress gentleness from your approach to him and his injury.

it may be that his sense of productive manliness is taking a beating with this particular injury. could be that the pain in the dream is not the pain of the injury (ruptured disc) as much as the pain he feels with the absense of being gentle with himself.

seems to me the dream's value is a call to you to balance this injurious trial by not only being gentle with him, but also urging him to be gentle with himself.

like the shot in his head in the dream, it is your opportunity to annihilate any pity pot nonsense dwelling in his head and replace it with his sense of self-love. as in the dream, you told him that you wouldn't be far behind him. so perhaps you too are feeling a bit of pity-pot sting and playing the same pipe as he (enabling).

life is life, and all heals quicker when gentle love is applied.

my two centavos


Thank you Tim for your insight. I think you might have hit the nail on the head here. he has been very distraught after this - I walked into the house one day last week and he hugged me and said, "You could've married a doctor or a lawyer but all you've got is a busted up truck driver." That brought me to tears.

Thank you for your 2 cents! 8) 8)

He is doing better now btw. Hopefully he won't need surgery!!

12th January 2009, 01:18 AM
It may as well have been precognitive- I don't tend to interpret dreams that way because I don't have a precog bone in my body. :D

This may be a first for me I dunno!