View Full Version : Lucid Dream, given a test by a guide?

7th January 2009, 07:17 AM
A couple of hours ago i had my 2nd lucid dream, and it was so much longer than my first. And i had almost total control. Anyway i had a desire to see my guide, guardian, midwayer if you will. I have been trying to contact one in meditation and such but no luck. So here this is my lucid dream experience.

I had another lucid dream, and this time it was pretty conscious one. It was amazing again. It’s pretty long too

Anyway I woke up around 10:00am in real life, and I didn’t feel like getting up so I went back to sleep thinking about something, I forget right now what I was thinking about but it must have been the same thing I did in the dream because I realized I was dreaming in the dream while walking down this dirt like road, it was a very grayish like road, I instantly thought it resembled my old street up where I used to live in Pittsburgh.

The transition was cool I noticed, I basically was just falling asleep and thinking about something, I noticed the blackness and then I just came into view of the dream and realized I was dreaming. Is this a Wild? It seems very easy to do.

Anyway in the dream I was going down the street, and I realized that yea I was dreaming, and I was really happy. It just seemed to click and everything took up a sense of life to it. So I said hey I will go to my best friend’s Harris’s house and pick him up and go on an adventure. As I was walking to the dream world I noticed my state of consciousness in the dream world, I could control everything. So as I was walking to his house, I thought about making the weather change, so I imagined it was the end of the world, from the pictures of the history specials and everything. And I saw the whole sky become a black crimson red color with golden fire magma in the sky just sky and horrible the wind picked up and I said, ok lets just go back to how it was. So I just made it go back to normal. Outside of Harris’s house, I noticed that my vision started to get a little fuzzy, almost like a really dark contrast static, but really light static. I said NO NO, and I looked at my hands and just like that in a flash around me everything got brighter and more clear.

So I went inside Harris’s house and I found him there on the couch and his family was there, I told him, Harris’s we are in a dream, and he didn’t believe me HAHA I laughed, and tried to show him by doing something, but he still didn’t believe me. So I said to him whatever lets just go, you and me have a “psychic connection, so your going to remember this hahah", its a little joke we say hahah. Anyway it honestly felt good having his company, even though he was just a dream character. And from there we went out of his house and down this like what I could describe as a jungle type cliff, and we were walking on a set path. Keep in mind that as we were walking I had a clear intention of finding my guide, guardian, or midwayer. I literally said it In the lucid dream “I want to see my guide and midwayer, I expected them to just teleport infornt of me but nothing happened.

So as we were walking I was still demonstrating my control over the dream world to further see if I can make hairs believe, it didnt work. We finally got to this area and it was a little parking lot with the street right next to it, with people walking and cars riding by. From there I said to anyone, and everyone “where can I find my guardian and or midwayer, or guide” I think I just said midwayer or guide. I think I heard someone shout something about a math lab or something but I didn’t make much of it. Just then I was standing around looking at people, and things started to get fuzzy, so I panicked and just started shadow boxing, and honestly it helped a ton. The picture got so clear…hahah. After that I went into the street and almost got run over, I saw this woman with black hair wearing a nice suit, and I said to her “do you know where I can find my midwayer or guide” And she said that I need to go to the math lab center and see a counselor. So I was like what really, then I just said ok, and I imagined myself being teleported to the area.

I just sort of appeared in this room, where there were a allot of people, like a classroom size room, and instead of normal chairs they had tables. People where busy doing stuff, and I just came to the first table, and a guy said fill out this paper. I looked at the paper and it had just the usual, name number…blah blah, so I just imagined that it was filled out, and I gave it back to him. And I thought he was going to be my guide and talk to me but he said he was waiting for the person behind me, and that he wasn’t waiting for me, and he wants someone else. I thought he was joking and said “are you serous”, and I looked behind me and there was this girl, so she sat down.

I was kind of confused, just then I looked over next to the guy, and there was this woman. She was wearing a pink suit, it was almost like an old 60s style short skirt suit but looked kind of old and big on her. And the woman had long blondish/brown hair down to her shoulders. She was white, and I wouldn’t say beautiful but still I didn’t really look at her face much, or just forgot. Anyway I came to her and said “are you my guide”, and she said sit down, so I sat down across from her. And I started saying “are you a midwayer?” And I forget what she said, but she did say something and i don't remember.

After that she told me that we needed to do a test. And I forget what the test was for but it was to see…well I think she said “we need to do a test on your conscious mind to see if you remember”, I don’t know if that is actually what she said but I think it was something like that. When she game me the paper it looked normal, but then when I was reading it. I didn’t know what it was. It was so hard to read because it would change or the sentence structure and words/numbers that I was reading would change or get bigger and longer to the point that I became overwhelmed. The test was basically me reading of this piece of paper. So basically I would be reading a word For, and then next to it I would see more letter like ForykDc, and then underneath that I would see even more words and letters FKLoaawe, and then even more and even more. So I got overwhelmed with that part of the test. There were basically 4 parts or blocks of writing on the test, and I just had to read them. And all of them where different and had different words and even symbols I think. And after a while of trying to read I noticed my vision it started getting fuzzy, and you know black and everything…and I said OH NO OH NO! I sort of panicked and got up from the table and looked at my hands and even shadow boxed and tried every trick in the book. It seemed to be helping a bit but didn’t work. The woman on the other hand didn’t even move and was still sitting down. And eventually it just got too much and I couldn’t stop the fuzzy/black and white static wake up thing. And I opened my eyes and woke up. That was it!

Now that I think back on it, it was a test. The test was to see if I could maintain my dream control and consciousness. I honestly think that they were about to show me something, but I couldn’t maintain.

It sort of resembles the lucid dream experience that Blake had, or someone else on the site, i tried to find it on the site but i had no luck.

i forget all the details but the dream that i think Blake had was he asked to be shown a guide, or his higher self or something. And he was led by dream characters to this room, or hut. And told to sit down and wait. He said that after a while of waiting he started losing control, and did some of the hand techniques and other things but it didn't work and he woke up. And he said that maybe this was to see if he could maintain the dream state.

It really was a cool experience, but i was also looking forward to talking to my guide or any spiritual force. Maybe i just need more expereince in the dream world.

Any of you guys have luck talking to guides?

7th January 2009, 07:33 AM
I talk to guides regularly, but I don't usually do it in dreams (occasionally I have, but not for a long time). Generally, I don't even have to be in meditation, though it's helpful because it's quiet inside my head and I can hear. :)

Frequently, one or another of my guides will just make their presence known to me and I say, "Oh, hello. What's up?" and the conversation goes on from there. Unfortunately, they don't usually come when called, or perhaps I'm not calling the right way.

However, I've never had an interesting lucid dream like that! It makes me want to go back to working on lucid dreaming. I was working on it for a while, and had some minor success, but then I got interested in other things and kind of gave up on it for a while. Your dream was inspiring, though. :)

7th January 2009, 07:58 AM
Some interesting things...

First of all - you were busy walking around in the dream world. But then you suddenly teleported to your destination. Maybe then you actually switched out of the dream itself there.

You don't remember what was said to certain questions. Maybe the information conveyed was in a form you haven't mastered to translate yet? Monroe writes of "non-verbal communication" in his adventures, and of ROTE exchanges. These are very dense information packets and telepathic communications that need a certain skill to be decoded. Maybe this person was helping you to start learning this skill - interpretation of non-verbal communication.

Very fascinating lucid dream. Creating apocalyptic weather, eh? ;)


7th January 2009, 03:28 PM
Sounds like a great experience! 8)

Here’s one of my experiences with meeting my guide:

7th January 2009, 07:26 PM

the teleportaion thing, its kind of weird. Basically in the dream, i really had the desire to find my guide, and i know lots of people want to play around in lucid dreams. But for me i kinds just want to make progress like find answers. So i figured that instead of taking the time to fly everywhere i will just teleport to the desired location. I was thinking like that at the time i think, but then again i could have lost control and regained it back, i know at the end it became hard to control things.

7th January 2009, 08:19 PM
I think you went to a place that I've been to, where you get some sort of 'counseling' to see if you are ready to do the next thing. A place that seems institutional (school or hospital, depending on the tests) and sometimes it's tables and paper and sometimes computers. I've been to a sort of 'control room' where you monitor everything that happens there. Oliver tried to tear it up once (see the topic 'Saboteur'), I found myself being tested, and actually working there. (That's either in my OBE journal or in dream accounts somewhere around here.)
Go figure. :)

7th January 2009, 11:08 PM
Its actually kind of weird that i was told to go to a math lab to find a counseler. In my waking life, i have a mental disability, discalcula... its so hard for me to try and do mental math in my head. Its sometimes a root of my anxiety. So in the dream when i was told to go to the math lab, i was kind of concerned, and then when i was told to do the test i became nervous, and then just so confused when i was reading or trying to read and understand what was on the paper.

It could have been telepathic communication, but i was unable to understand it. I have read the book the keepers by jim sparks and he has a good chapter where he describes how telepathic communication works...how just one symbol or image, even a sentence can have a ton of information packed into it and in a very condensed form.

oh well, maybe when i have another lucid dream i can try to figure things out a bit more. Its pretty interesting, since i have started meditating using the silva mind control system, i have had about 2 lucid dreams. All within about 2 months time. Really amazing, and i didnt even try to have them.

8th January 2009, 02:08 AM
Yes, that's very good. I'm sure there will be more. :)

I was thinking of how several meanings can be contained in one symbol, and how the mind approximates things in words that are not completely explainable in the way we communicate to each other. The way you described the changing words, even if they did not make sense, seemed similar to that. Even if you were not (yet!) able to decode it, you already gathered experience with the nature of it. Or at least that is a possible explanation of what went on there.


8th January 2009, 05:50 AM
I agree with all of the above: you were in a simulation; you were being tested and taught and that this commonly happens. In my first really good lucid dream I had a deputy principal tell me I wasn't ready and to go back to sleep. I almost did then I realised he was wearing frilly red lady's underwear and what did he know anyway.

I tried calling on a guide in a lucid dream once too and it came in as a white dove but the dream didn't last much beyond that, probably because I was disappointed it wasn't human. I read recently that if you look behind you in a lucid dream you may well find a guide. The girl behind you on the line may well have been the one you were seeking.

Excellent control!

8th January 2009, 05:59 AM
i actually didnt want to say this, but the girl behind me in the line looked like Ava divine...lol i kind of left that out for good reason...

8th January 2009, 06:06 AM
Okay, didn't know who she was so I did an image search. Ahem. There was a clue in the name "Devine".

8th January 2009, 07:33 AM
Well, if that doesn't prove there's a screwed sense of humour in the astral, what does? :D


8th January 2009, 10:24 AM
BTW, Ava is a form of Eva. "divine Eva" or "divine female" - what a striking symbol for declaring the role or function of a character.

As for animal forms for spirit beings:

Kurt Leland reports in "The Unanswered Question" that he once saw a Golden Retriever dog in "OtherWhere". When getting closer he found it to be a female "Facilitator" charged with retrieving souls from self-absorbed states of mind. She impressed him so much as a being, he could only indeed describe her as "golden". She, indeed, was a "golden retriever". :D

This also was a nice symbolic meaning contained in a label.


8th January 2009, 06:34 PM
wow, i never thought of it like that. i didn't make much of it you know, seeing a pornstar, i was mainly like WTF. I guess the symbolism in her name could be a type of way to communicate or something. Still weird, man i really cannot wait to have another LD!!!!

8th January 2009, 10:00 PM
Kurt Talks about the importance of developing flexibility of consciousness as a way to progress in the astral worlds. I guess conceiving that a guide might represent itself as a porn star (she'll show you everything) with a clue in her name, certainly stretches that flexibility. :D

9th January 2009, 09:14 AM
I guess conceiving that a guide might represent itself as a porn star (she'll show you everything)

