View Full Version : Cadet

7th January 2009, 02:16 AM
Something today on the beach. Met a former student whom I'd had a bit to do with during her time at high school. She introduced me to her boyfriend (I'd already dubbed them "Mr and Mrs Beautiful", not having immediately realised it was Amelia) and his name was Cade. Now, I've never met a "Cade" before or even heard of the name but I had dreamt of a boy called Cade a couple of years ago and he was an actor in a movie called "Cade Et" and, if memory serves, he looked suspiciously like a younger version of this guy.

I got a bit distracted by the memory and my hubby came up and started talking. They left shortly after and I told G about the dream. It was then that it occurred to me that Amelia's boyfriend might be an actor -she's just finishing her degree in Dramatic Arts and will be a brilliant actor herself.